P. 50

Minang customs  are more than just an agreement  because in  it

           there are universal values and philosophy. According to Esposito:
                  Adat is perceived as an all embracing term for the rules of

           behavior  and  social  institutions  that  the  society  holds  to  be
           legitimated and right”.
                  Adat is a provision or rule in a behavior either as a person

           or a social institution that is jointly recognized by members of the
           community. According to the author, adat is not just a rule or habit,

           but  in  it  there  are  philosophical  and  cultural  values,  including
           finding and making rules or conducting ijtihad. The existence of

           adat will continue to develop as long as it is supported and accepted

           by  members  of  the  community,  either  individually  or  in  the

                  If  we  look  at  the  term  culture  or  culture  introduced  by
           Edward B. Tailor as quoted by Prof. Dr. HAR Tilaar that "Culture

           or  civilization  is  a  complex  whole  of  knowledge,  belief,  art,
           morals, law, customs, and other capabilities and habits acquired by

           humans as members of society".

                  25 Esposito, The Oxford Encyclopedia of The Modern Islamic World,
           vol. 1, (New york: Oxford University, 1995) p. 20. Meaning: Custom is
           understood as a provision relating to the rules of habit or behavior both
           individually and as a social institution as long as it is still believed and
           considered something true.
                  26 HAR Tilaar, Education, Culture and Indonesian Civil Society, p. 39
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