P. 51
It was explained above that a culture or culture is a complex
form which is the result of creativity, work and initiative of a
belief, belief, education, custom, habit etc. In this sense the author
believes that Minang customs contain elements of complexity in
which there are values, philosophy, habits, teachings (beliefs) and
intellectuals. If it is matched with the definition of culture above,
it can be said that Minang customs contain the same meaning as
the notion of culture (culture) because the elements that exist in the
cultural sense are also contained in the meaning of Minang
Ijtihad about Minang customs had been carried out first by
the gatherers or traditional creators, in this case believed to be
Datuk Ketumanggungan and Datuk Perpatih nan Sabatang as well
as several other figures, such as Cati Bilang Pandai, Datuk Rajo
Dirajo, etc. In the course of history, adat has been adopted, agreed
upon and jointly supported by the holders (users) of adat and the
Minang community in general, so that adat is believed to be a
source of thought that can be used as a view as well as a guide for
daily life. Adat is a treasury in which ideas or doctrines are
collected waiting to be processed and interpreted.
B. Natural Philosophy
The Minang people who call the country within their ethnic
group "Alam Minangkabau", reflect the closeness of their