P. 56

The example above is the result of the discovery of nature

           by the customary formulator of these properties showing that:
                     Not only is sago red, but among the grains, only sago

                  shows true red.

                     The hill is a high place, in order to reach it he must be
                  climbed, and vice versa the lurah is a low place, and to

                  reach it he must be descended.
                     The nature of water that follows the shape of the object

                  it occupies, so water that can be round is water that passes
                  through bamboo which is also round.

                  The  three  properties  of  nature  above  show  the  true  and

           universal nature of natural objects.
                  Natural  philosophy  or  understanding  of  the  takambang

           natural customs as a teacher requires humans to always explore,
           investigate or study nature which contains provisions and laws that

           are  very  useful  for  humans  themselves,  therefore  the  second
           conclusion that can be drawn in the takambang natural customary

           doctrine  is  to  become  a  teacher  in  the  real  world.  is  lifelong

           learning. The second concept of traditional education is called "live
           long education and always has ijtiad".

                  Besides the takambang nature as a teacher which contains

           the  law  of  causality,  nature  also  has  provisions  regarding  good
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