P. 58

Furthermore, Nasroen explained:

                       Budi  is  based  on  the  ability  to  feel  the  feelings  of
                  others. Feeling that other people are fellow brothers and

                  sisters, other people's joy and pain is our pleasure and pain

                  too. So the mind is to do something to others as we do good
                  to ourselves. And that is impossible nor is it good. Based

                  on this wisdom, the relationship between fellow members
                  of the community will be close, not based on the calculation

                  of profit and loss. With this mind, there will be good deeds
                  for each other, reciprocating the favor. Because someone

                  according to Minang custom does not want to be in debt,

                  because the debt of gratitude is brought to death.
                  This is expressed in the adage petitih adat

                  The end of the world you hereafter,
                  the end of the custom at the Balairung,

                  ameh baok balaie banana,
                  cook sabua in the crate,

                  ameh dapek dibaie's debt,

                  indebtedness cut to death.

                  32 Nasroen, Basic Customary Philosophy, p. 159
                  33 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 58, which means: the end of the
           world in the hereafter, the end of the custom at the hall, golden bananas are
           carried to sail, a ripe seed is in a chest, the golden forest can be paid, and debts
           of gratitude are brought to death.
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