P. 44

children are seen  as  active objects  (subjects) not  as  passive

                     It  is  very  important  to  pay  attention  to  the  child's

               emotional  intelligence.  Children  should  not  be  considered

               equal  in  terms  of  the  differences  they  have,  both  their
               intellectual  intelligence  and  the  emotional  intelligence  of

               students.  Therefore,  in  educating  students,  they  must  be
               educated  by  considering  endogenous  factors  such  as  talent,

               willingness and desire, otherwise they should not be seen as

           J.  Educational institutions

                  To talk about the place where education takes place, it is
           necessary to explain the following opinions:

                  In terms of authority and authority, according to Lengeveld
           as quoted by Suwarno that "there are three kinds of educational

           institutions, namely the family,  the state and the church (in the
           sense of a religious association)" . It was explained above that
           there are three educational institutions, namely the family, the state

           and the church. These three bodies have the authority to administer

                  Family  education,  the  authority  of  the  family  is  very

           natural, meaning that parents who have given birth and raised and

           19 Suwarno, General Introduction to Education, p. 65.
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