P. 41

someone will always be in the household. It was at that

                    time that the foundations of one's personality were laid.
                 ➢  Formal  education;  is  education  in  schools,  which  are

                    regular, systematic, have levels, and which are divided

                    into certain times that last from kindergarten to college.
                 ➢  Non-formal  education(non-formal  education);  Non-

                    formal education is all forms of education that are carried
                    out intentionally, orderly, directed and planned outside

                    of  school  activities.  In  this  case  the  teaching  staff,
                    facilities,  delivery  method,  and  time  used,  as  well  as

                    other components are adjusted to the conditions of the

                    participants  or  students  in  order  to  get  satisfactory
                  As explained above that by nature education is divided into
           three. First, informal education, namely education that is obtained

           by  someone  from  daily  interactions  and  experiences,  whether
           consciously or not, which takes place in family and community

           life. This education is different from the two types of education

           which will be described below. There is no level of education and
           strict regulations. Second, non-formal education is education that

           is carried out with  certain needs, such as education obtained  in

           16 Zahara Idris, Fundamentals of Education, (Padang: Angkasa Raya, 1981)., p.
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