P. 32

While we might grant at once that a curriculum composed of the

           true, the good and the beautiful is well proportioned”.
                  As explained above, there are three elements contained in

           the curriculum or educational materials. First, the true, related to

           science and skills. Second, the good, is related to the value of good
           or bad or morals. Third, the beautiful, related to the value of beauty

           or aesthetics.
                  According  to  Langeveld,  based  on  the  philosophy  of

           humanity, he put forward three core essences of humanity, namely:
           "humans  are  essentially  individual  creatures,  humans  are

           essentially  social  creatures,  and  humans  are  essentially  moral

                  It was explained above that there are three elements that are

           essential to humanity, so that education aims to form individuals
           (intelligence,  skills  and  strong  physique)  who  have  social  and

           ethical awareness.
                  In line with Langeveld, Suwarno further said: "the type of

           material that will be conveyed on what aspect of personality will

           be developed and this also depends on the view of the nature of

           11 John S. Brubacher, Modern Philosophies of Education, (New Delhi: Tata
           McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Ltd., 1970), p. 155, which means: The
           philosophical principles behind the curriculum can be summarized in a term
           that is better known as the triad of the true (science), the good (good and bad
           values) and the beautiful (beauty).
           12 Suwarno, General Introduction to Education, p. 47.
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