P. 30

Education  should  aim  at  the  balanced  growth  of  total

                  personality  of  man  through  the  training  of  mans'  spirit,
                  intellectual  the  rational  self,  feeling  and  bodily  sense.

                  Education should therefore cater for the growth of man in

                  all its aspects, spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, physical,
                  scientific, linguistic, both individually and collectively, and

                  motivate all these aspects toward goodness and attainment
                  of  perfection.  The  ultimate  aim  of  education  lies  in  the

                  realization of complete submission to Allah on the level of
                  individual, the community and humanity at large.
                  Islamic education aims to form a complete and balanced

           growth of the human personality through mental training, brain
           intelligence, reasoning, feelings and senses. This education must

           serve  human  growth  in  all  aspects,  both  spiritual,  intellectual,
           imagination, physical, scientific, and language aspects individually

           or  in  groups.  And  this  education  encourages  all  these  aspects
           towards virtue or goodness and the achievement of the perfection

           of life.

                  From  the  explanation  above,  an  understanding  can  be
           drawn  that  Islamic  education  aims  to  develop  a  complete

           personality pattern. Personality can be achieved through mental,

           10 M. Arifin, Islamic Education: a theoretical and practical review based on an
           interdisciplinary approach, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1996), Cet. 4th, h. 40.
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