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brain exercises, including reasoning, feeling and senses, both
individually, in society and in humanity as a whole. Thus, the
purpose of education is formulated as an effort to provide guidance
for complete and balanced spiritual and physical development to
achieve happiness in life in this world and the hereafter. The
ultimate goal of Islamic education lies in the realization of an
attitude of complete surrender to Allah, both individually, in
society, and as a whole human being. Complete surrender to Allah
covers all aspects of life for the world and the hereafter, so that all
the patterns and paths that must be traversed lead to the goals that
have been formulated. It should be explained that the purpose of
education based on the view of general education is only for the
benefit of living in the world. This proves that the goals of Islamic
education are far more complex, deep and broad in their nuances.
E. Educational Materials
Educational materials or curriculum are prepared with the
aim of achieving the aspired personality, formulated in accordance
with educational goals and built on an educational foundation.
According to John S. Brubacher “the philosophical issues
underlying the curriculum can, perhaps, be best summarized under
the well-known trinity of the true, the good and the beautiful.