P. 33

The majority of the respondents (70.6%) indicated that teachers have a thorough understanding of

               all different forms of poetry, while 29.4% indicated that they felt that they do not have a thorough
               understanding of all different forms of poetry. Karki, (2016), supported this response of student

               teachers having thorough knowledge and understanding of all different forms of poetry in literature
               review who said that there are different forms of poetry based on their nature. They are as follows:

               an epic, ballad, elegy, ode, sonnet, lyric, and romance. Furthermore, the content looks into the
               language of poetry, which is special and different from the language of any texts or daily use of

               the language. The poetic language consists of rhyming words, rhythm, meter, diction, tone, music,

               alliteration, etc. These are the very information found in the syllabus written by the Ministry of
               Education, Arts, and Culture.

               4.3.11  Relevancy of prescribed text poetry textbooks to specific grades

               Figure 11 is an illustration of the relevancy of the prescribed poetry books in schools to specific

                            Figure 11 Relevancy of prescribed  poetry textbooks to specific grades

               About 52.9% of the respondents indicated that the textbooks used in teaching poetry are irrelevant,
               while 47.1% of the respondents indicated that the textbooks are relevant. From the results, it can

               be said that there is a need for improvement in the relevancy of the textbook used in teaching
               poetry. The Ministry of Education, Art and Culture, and the publishers as stakeholders should re-

               look into this issue of textbook relevancy per specific grade.

               4.3.12  Learners’ motivation to participate during poetry lessons
               Figure 12 shows the level of learners’ motivation to participate in poetry lessons.

   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38