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P. 215

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                        Councillor Trafford : Mr. Chairman, I object. Strictly speaking, this

                 notice would prevent me, as a citizen who owns no dog, from walking in
                 the Park without first acquiring one.

                        Councillor Hogg : (with some warmth) : Very simply, then : çDogs

                 must be led in this Park.é

                        Councillor Trafford : Mr. Chairman, I object: this reads as if it were
                 a general injunction to the Borough to lead their dogs into the Park.

                        Councillor Hogg interposed a remark for which he was called to
                 order; upon his withdrawing it, it was directed to be expunged from the


                        The Chairman : Councillor Trafford, Councillor Hogg has had three

                 tries, you have had only two....

                        Councillor Trafford : çAll dogs must be kept, on leads in this Park.é

                        The Chairman : I see Councillor Hogg rising quite rightly to raise

                 another objection. May I anticipate him with another amendment :  çAll
                 dogs in this Park must be kept on the lead.é

                        This draft was put to the vote and carried unanimously, with two

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                    Robert Graves and Alan Lodge, the Reader over Your Shoulder (London: Jonathan
                    Cape, 1952), pp. 81-82.
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