Page 65 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 65


                                          WITH LANDMINE

                If your gym does not have a landmine, you can
                improvise by placing one end of a barbell in the

                corner of the wall.

                1. Start in a neutral stance, holding one end of the barbell
                with a relaxed grip and resting your other hand at your

                2. Extend your arm, keeping your back straight, and pivot
                your rear foot so that your toes are facing forward. Make

                sure that your extended arm, back, and rear leg are all

                3. Lower the barbell, moving into a staggered squat, with
                feet shoulder-width apart and your rear foot about a foot

                behind the lead foot.

                Repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times, alternating each arm for
                3 sets.
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