Page 92 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 92

sides of your feet. Keep your spine aligned and core
                engaged. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

                3. Rotate to lie with your back on the floor. Place your hands

                under your buttocks and lift your feet just off the floor.
                Engage your core and lift your head, keeping your chin
                tucked in to maintain a visual of your feet. Hold this position

                for 30 seconds.

                4. Rotate into side plank on the other side. Maintain your
                balance on your elbow and on the sides of your feet. Keep
                your spine aligned and core engaged. Hold this position for
                30 seconds.

                5. Rotate into plank position. Keep your spine aligned and
                look forward. Without sinking your hips, keep your core
                engaged and hold this position for 30 seconds.

                Do 3 complete 360-degree rotations.

                Self-Correcting Adjustments

                Knowing when and what to self-correct is beneficial to

                improving your overall offensive and defensive skill. Learn
                to identify factors that could potentially become
                problematic. Some of the more common beginner mistakes
                are listed on the following pages. Bear in mind that this list
                certainly does not cover all possible mistakes.

                Over-rotating: Excessive rotation of the waist results in an
                off-balance stance, an inefficient use of energy to push a
                resisting force, and a compromised defense. A prime
                example of over-rotating occurs commonly when throwing

                hooks. As a rule of thumb, use your chin as the end point of
                a hook. In other words, the punch stops at your chin; your
                knuckles should be in line with your chin. Once your
                knuckles move past the line of your chin, you are over-

                rotating around the waist.
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