P. 8
Client confirms Project to go ahead
12. A signed CAD must be obtained from the client. This forms the basis for our
contract with the client and ultimately protects both the client and BOS.
13. Raise invoice in Xero
Invoice Date BOS Storage Systems Pty Ltd
INVOICE 20 Aug 2020 ABN: 39 625 314 276
Twist Marketing Account Number
Attention: Tullio Curcio HEAD OFFICE:
14 Bellevue Cres 12-14 William Angliss Drive,
PRESTON VIC 3072 Invoice Number Laverton North VIC 3026
ABN: 83 526 490 375
BQ-3000 (JS120820)
Description Quantity Unit Price GST Amount AUD
Second Hand Option
Including Supply and Installation of
As per detailed scope above. 1.00 25,000.00 10% 25,000.00
Including Scissor Hire and Delivery
of Materials.
Payment Terms
50%Deposit and 50% on
The prices proposed are based on
the understanding that materials
can be delivered prior to
construction, off loaded by your
personnel and suitable Materials
Handling Equipment, and are
waiting on the CLEARED
construction site when our
installation team arrives.
• It is the purchaser’s obligation to
PAYMENT ADVICE Customer Twist Marketing
Invoice Number INV-3263
To: BOS Storage Systems Pty Ltd Amount Due 27,500.00
12 William Angliss Drive
LAVERTON NORTH VIC 3026 Due Date 20 Aug 2020
Amount Enclosed
All products if delivered or supplied, remain the property of BOS Storage Systems Pty Ltd until receipt of payment is confirmed and
Any costs incurred by BOS Storage Systems Pty Ltd due to dishonoured cheques or EFT Payment will be charged accordingly.
All payment claims related to this proposal are pursuant to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act (NSW), 1999
14. The time starts from the deposit received.
15. Once deposit is received, the order will be activated, and products will be
sourced and ordered.
16. Order is placed and ETD and EST will be notified
Note; Any changes beyond this point will incur “Variations, which must be
acknowledged in writing from client with a $ value.