P. 6
1. Important change: To speed up and make the process more efficient, we have
created a simplified costing sheet for NON overseas product purchases. This
sheet does not require it to be sent to Deejay as we do not require the
complexity of exchange rates, freight, lead-times etc.
Date 14/09/2020 Cost sheet to be used if no overseas transactions are involved
CLIENT Good Client
Project Number BQ-3050
Sales Rep Vince Camera
Qty New/Used Supplier Cost Mark up List Total Total Mins Totals
$ % $ List Cost Each HRS
Schaefer Frames 10250 x 840 100 Used Premier $ 130.00 50% $ 195.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 13,000.00 40 66.67
Schaefer Frames 9050 x 840 100 Used Premier $ 120.00 50% $ 180.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 12,000.00 40 66.67
Back tie 430 150 Used Genex $ 3.00 30% $ 3.90 $ 585.00 $ 450.00 3 7.50
Back tie 610 120 Used Genex $ 3.00 30% $ 3.90 $ 468.00 $ 360.00 3 6.00
Dyna bolts (times 4 by frames) 800 Used Genex $ 1.00 30% $ 1.30 $ 1,040.00 $ 800.00 3 40.00
Beams L2600 B92 2600 Used Genex $ 15.00 30% $ 19.50 $ 50,700.00 $ 39,000.00 4 173.33
Beams L2600 B125 600 Used Genex $ 19.00 30% $ 24.70 $ 14,820.00 $ 11,400.00 4 40.00
Load signs 37 Used BOS $ 29.00 50% $ 43.50 $ 1,609.50 $ 1,073.00 5 3.08
ERP Double 20 New Genex $ 169.00 40% $ 236.60 $ 4,732.00 $ 3,380.00 20 6.67
ERP Single 2 New Genex $ 98.00 40% $ 137.20 $ 274.40 $ 196.00 15 0.50
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - -
Auxiliaries Qty New/Used Supplier Cost Margin List Total Total Mins Totals
$ % $ List Cost Each HRS
Item 1 new unknown $ 200.00 40% $ 280.00 $ 280.00 $ 200.00 0
40% $ - $ - $ - 0
40% $ - $ - $ - 0
40% $ - $ - $ - 0
40% $ - $ - $ - 0
Materials Sell Price $ 111,728.90 Quote Summary
Overall Margin 27% Sell Price Cost Price Margin
Materials Cost $ 81,659.00 Materials $ 112,008.90 $ 81,859.00 $ 30,149.90
Labour $ 24,625.00 $ 16,416.67 $ 8,208.33
Auxiliaries Sell Price $ 280.00 MHE $ 3,195.56 $ 2,484.57 $ 710.99
Overall Margin 29% Transport $ -
Materials Cost $ 200.00
Total Price $ 139,829.46 $ 100,760.23 $ 39,069.23
Labour Hours 410.42 27.9%
No of days based on Installers 8.55
Number of Installers 6
Labour Rate - Cost $40.00
Labour Rate - Sell $60.00
Labour Cost $16,416.67
Labour Sell $24,625.00
Forklift Days 8.55
No. of Forklifts 2.00
Day Rate $70.00
Delivery Rate/Return $300.00
Forklift Total Cost $1,797.05
Forklift Markup 30%
Forklift Sell $2,336.16
Scissor Days (80% of Scissor) 8.55
No. of Scossors 1.00
Day Rate $50.00
Delivery Rate/Return $260.00
Scissor Total Cost $687.52
Scissor Markup 25%
Scissor Sell $859.40
2. This like the more complex sheet forms the basis for your costing and future
reference. The sheet is a modified version of what salespersons have used in
the past and it’s not linked or automated to stock codes etc.
3. It is reasonably automated and all that is required are manual inputs of the
BOM items and quantities.
4. BOM will be created by the Sales Team.
5. Sales Team will also: