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                      ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES

                      The Office Bearers include the president, a deputy president, eleven
                   vice presidents, Secretary General, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary Generals,
                   Assistant Treasurers and  Advisors of the Executive Board of WFBY.

                   1)   PRESIDENT

                      •  To represent WFBY in The WFB Executive Council.
                      •  To be the Chairman of all Executive Board Meeting.
                      •  To be the spokesperson of WFBY.
                      •  To represent WFBY in all liaisons with other international Buddhist
                          organizations, world and government bodies.
                      •  To promote the role of WFBY to members and non-members.
                      •  To sign all cheque in conjunction with the Treasurer and/or Secretary
                      •  To oversee the duties of all Office Bearers.

                   2)  DEPUTY PRESIDENT
                      •  To deputize the President in his absence or when the President is
                          unable to execute   his duties in whatever circumstances.
                      •  To chair the Regulatory Affairs Standing Committee.

                   3)  VICE PRESIDENT
                      •  To assist the President and Deputy President in discharging their duties.
                      •  To chair a Standing Committee to be decided by the Executive Board.

                   4)  SECRETARY GENERAL
                      •  To run the administrative and day-to-day affairs of the WFBY.
                      •  To handle all correspondence, documents and books except those
                          related to finance matters.
                      •  To be responsible for the membership of the WFBY.
                      •  To make known the WFBY to the media and enhance the publicity of
                          WFBY’s policies and activities.
                      •  To sign all cheques in conjunction with the Treasurer and/or President.
                      •  To head the Secretariat and chair the Administration standing committee.

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 20  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFBY
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