Page 7 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 25
P. 7




                                                     t was an exhilarat-         toes into the oven for a smoky
                                                     ing experience; it          flavour and blended it up after
                                                I involved working               boiling the rice. We also decid-
                                         at high speeds but ensuring             ed to make peppered chicken
       The cooking                       a delicious taste for the dish.         which was delicious and got
                                         We were told by Mrs Decker to
                                                                                 positive comments from the
       competition                       make Jollof rice served with            judges.
                                         chicken and pineapple juice.
       was a fun one                     We were given a basket filled           At the end of the competition,

                                                                                 we were expected to wrap up
       this term as                      with items for us to make the           quickly and step outside for the
                                         food. My teammates and I
                                                                                 judging process to begin, and
       I participated                    separated jobs to be more               we named the dish “Jollof Pa-
                                         efficient. I focused on making
                                                                                 parazzi,” which we thought was
       in my first                       the juice, and I was assisted           interesting and eye-catching.

                                         by Umar Shehu who helped to
                                                                                 When the judges were done,
       one ever.                         peel the pineapple and cut it           all the teams were expected
                                         into chunks, and we were giv-
                                                                                 to come back in for feedback,
                                         en a juicer which made the              and I believe my house had
                                         juice-making process slightly           outstanding comments!
                                                                                 Right now, my heart is still
                                         To prepare the rice, my oth-            beating hard as we await the

                                         er team members, Fatima Isa             results to be announced.
                                         and Daramfon put the toma-
      Article by
      Munachiso Dozie  | Year 10 Senegal

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