Page 174 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 174
Angler’s Loop Knot
As its name suggests, this is a useful
knot for anglers to use to make a loop
in the end of their line.
However, it has an even more
useful purpose, as Geoffrey
Budworth pointed out. It works
very well to make a secure loop
in that most difficult of
materials—shock or bungy
cord, an elastic cord that has
many uses but in which most
knots just keep on slipping. When
you are using this knot in bungy
cord, do make sure that the working
end is long and that you give working
end, standing end, and the actual loop
a good tug to ensure that the knot is
very snug and tight.
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices