Page 16 - Dukungan BPOM Dalam Vaksinasi Massal Vaksin Inavac
P. 16

Judul              :  BPOM plans COVID vaccine permit upgrade
               Nama Media         :
               Tanggal            :  30/05/2023
               Halaman/URL        :
               Tipe Media         :  Media Online

                                                                              Indonesia's  Food  and  Drug
                                                                              Supervisory  Agency  (BPOM)
                                                                              will  start  to  upgrade  the
                                                                              distribution status of COVID-19
                                                                              vaccines from emergency use to
                                                                              regular  distribution  once  the
                                                                              national health emergency status
                                                                              is lifted.

                                                                              "This  provision  is  to  provide
                                                                              protection  guarantees  to  the
                                                                              public in the long term," BPOM
                                                                              head Penny Lukito said during a
                                                                              mass vaccination in Bogor, West
                                                                              Java, on Tuesday.

                                                                              Lukito  assured  that  all  vaccine
                                                                              products  that  are  currently  in
               circulation  meet  the  aspects  of  safety,  quality,  and  effectiveness,  as  the  BPOM  regularly  monitors

               According to her, to monitor their effectiveness, the vaccines have undergone a series of clinical trials
               by the BPOM.

               Every  technology  or  platform  developed  by  COVID-19  vaccine  manufacturers  currently  holds
               emergency-use authorization due to pandemic circumstances that require vaccination as protection.

               The BPOM has regularly conducted supervision every three months to ensure the safety, quality, and
               effectiveness of vaccines in public.

               Meanwhile, manufacturers are involving researchers and experts to monitor any side effects that may
               be caused by COVID-19 vaccines.
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