Page 17 - Dukungan BPOM Dalam Vaksinasi Massal Vaksin Inavac
P. 17

Since the World Health Organization (WHO) lifted the global health emergency status for COVID-19
               on  May  5,  2023,  countries  in  the  world,  including  Indonesia,  have  begun  to  lift  their  national
               emergency status.

               Entering the post-pandemic era, Lukito said, the COVID-19 vaccine distribution must be completed
               and  provide  in-depth  data  related  to  their  safety  and  effectiveness  to  ensure  long-term  community
               protection through the national immunization program.

               "Currently, the government is considering lifting the national health emergency status. Manufacturers
               (must) keep researching and monitoring vaccine products so they get more data for BPOM to get a
               regular distribution permit," she added.

               BPOM has given 12  months to vaccine manufacturers to upgrade their product distribution permits
               from emergency use to regular distribution.

               "In  the  endemic  (phase),  we  give  a  transition  time  of  one  year  for  manufacturers  to  upgrade  their
               emergency permit to a regular permit," she said.
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