Page 86 - June 2021
P. 86

Class: V

       Date: 17  June 2021
       Subject: EVS
       Lesson: Plant Reproduction

       Activity: Differentiation of the Monocot and Dicot seeds by soaking them in
       water overnight and observing the number of cotyledons present in them.
       The students were asked to document their observations in an A4 size sheet by

       making two columns, one for monocot seed and the other for dicot seed. They
       were asked to stick one seed each from the different types of seeds that they had
       chosen rightly under the respective column and had to write the name of the
       The students undertook this activity very enthusiastically and had come up with

       their observations during the online class. Their observations were discussed
       later  during  the  online  class.  The  students  were  able  to  get  a  better
       understanding of this concept by performing a hands-on activity.
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