Page 16 - Pointcare Rehab Process and Tips
P. 16

o   Fill in all needed fields at the top of the order
                            Choose Physician from list.  If the order is from a physician other than the listed physicians, click
                              on the “All Physician” button, type in last name and search.  Click on name to add that physician
                              to the order.
                            Send to Physician – Remains with a green Check
                            Complete Order details under “Instructions”
                            Wound care- Choose “No” if not entering wound orders
                            Mandatory to enter any further instructions to complete the section

            •  Re-ordering of Physicians:
            While you are in the visit:
            1.  From “Visit Actions”, Select “Demographics”
            2.  Choose Physicians
            3.  TAP on the Red Edit text.
            4.  Select one of the Grey search buttons (three dots…) to indicate whether the Physician you are entering is
               Primary or Secondary
            5.  Enter the MD’s last name, and select the magnifying glass.
            6.  If you find the correct MD, tap on their name, and their info will populate into the Primary or Secondary box.

            7.  If you are replacing an existing Primary MD or moving them to the Secondary position, note that information in
               the existing detail will disappear
            8.  Tap Save.
            9.  Back out to the Visit console and continue the visit.

        If you cannot find the physician in the database OR you are outside of a visit:
            1.  You must create a “Demographic Change Request” coordination note.
            2.  Include as much MD information as you can. Minimum information should be MD first and last name, address
               and phone #
            3.  Sync your Device
            4.  The request will then go to the branch IC to input the physician into the database

        Vital Signs and Measures

                   o  Complete all vital signs and check the parameters here.
                   o  Fill in PAIN
                            If you choose to enter pain under vital signs, you are required to answer PAIN on the physical
                              assessment. You do not have to enter it under vital signs but you must address it in the physical
                   o  If unable to collect 1 or more vital signs, click “unable to collect all” at the bottom of screen. Then enter
                       a reason.

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