Page 19 - The disappearance of a hiker fix_Neat
P. 19

Amanda        : (firm, insisting) "This isn’t about snacks! We need to conserve our stamina.

                             Pushing too hard can be dangerous."

               Amanda         : (tegas, mendesak) "Ini bukan soal camilan! Kita harus menjaga stamina. Terlalu

                              memaksakan diri bisa jadi berbahaya."

               Rebeca         : (frustrated, sighing) "Seriously, Amanda? We haven’t even reached halfway. If we

                              keep resting, when are we going to make it to the summit?"

               Rebeca         : (kesal, menghela napas) "Serius, Amanda? Kita bahkan belum sampai separuh
                              jalan. Kalau mau istirahat terus, kapan kita sampai puncak?"

               [The group falls silent for a moment, the air feels tense. Bara tries to defuse the situation.]

               [Kelompok itu terdiam sejenak, udara terasa tegang. Bara mencoba meredakan situasi.]

               Bara          : (intervening, with a firm voice) "Everyone, enough. We’ll rest for five minutes.

                             After that, we continue."

               Bara           : (menengahi, dengan suara tegas) "Semua, cukup. Kita akan istirahat lima menit.

                              Setelah itu, kita lanjut.

               Angel         : (sarcastically, glancing at Rebeca) "Or we could just keep arguing until one of us

                             falls off a cliff."

               Angel          : (sinis, sambil melirik Rebeca) "Atau kita bisa terus bertengkar sampai salah satu
                              dari kita jatuh ke jurang."

               [Rebeca, unable to contain her emotions, stands up and ruffles her hair.]

               [Rebeca, tidak bisa menahan emosinya, berdiri dan mengacak-acak rambutnya.]

               Rebeca        : (angry) "Fine! If you guys want to rest, go ahead! I’ll keep walking. No point in
                             wasting time here!"

               Rebeca         : (marah) "Fine! Jika kalian mau beristirahat, silakan! Aku akan terus jalan. Tidak

                              ada gunanya menghabiskan waktu di sini!"

               [With that, Rebeca turns and walks away, leaving the others behind. Amanda looks shocked.]

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