Page 18 - The disappearance of a hiker fix_Neat
P. 18
Setting: On a more difficult hiking trail, surrounded by dense trees, the sounds of nature fill the
air, and the weather begins to turn cloudy. The atmosphere is tense after hours of hiking.
Setting: Di jalur pendakian yang lebih sulit, dikelilingi pepohonan lebat, suara alam mengisi
udara, dan cuaca. Suasana tegang setelah beberapa jam mendaki.
[The five friends continue their hike. After a while, Amanda stops and takes a deep breath.]
[Kelima teman melanjutkan pendakian. Setelah beberapa saat, Amanda berhenti dan menghela
napas dalam-dalam.]
Amanda : (holding her breath, her voice weak) "Bara, please. We need to rest for a bit. The
trail’s getting harder."
Amanda : (menahan napas, suaranya terdengar lemah) "Bara, tolong. Kita butuh istirahat
sebentar. Jalannya semakin sulit."
Rebeca : (glancing back sharply) "Rest again? We haven’t even reached halfway!"
Rebeca : (menoleh sekilas dengan nada tajam) "Istirahat lagi? Kita bahkan belum sampai
setengah jalan!"
Angel : (shrugging, looking at Rebeca) "Seriously, Rebeca? I know you love the summit,
but we don’t want anyone passing out halfway, right?"
Angel : (mengangkat bahu, memandang Rebeca) "Serius, Rebeca? Aku tahu kamu suka
puncak, tapi kita nggak mau ada yang pingsan di tengah jalan, kan?"
Anggara : (laughing lightly, trying to lighten the mood) "Relax, guys! I’ve got a solution.
How about we open the secret snacks? Instant energy boost!"
Anggara : (tertawa kecil, mencoba meringankan suasana) "Tenang, teman-teman! Aku
punya solusi. Gimana kalau kita buka snack rahasia? Tenaga langsung pulih!"