Page 155 - Modul English Communication In Nursing
P. 155

touch it. This is one of the most effective ways to 12)……………………………….. bacteria
                                from  causing  an  infection.    If  you  ever  need  to  adjust  the  catheter  or  tubing,  you
                                13)……………………………….. make sure your hands are clean first.”
                Mr. Haryadi  :  “well-noted.”
                Ns. Ramlan  :  “And then, to 14)……………………………….. the risk of urine flowing back into your bladder,
                                the  drainage  bag  15)………………………………..  always  be  kept  below  the  level  of  your
                                “This  16)………………………………..  backflow,  which  could  introduce  bacteria  into  your
                                urinary tract. If the drainage bag is positioned too high, there is a chance that bacteria
                                can flow back into your bladder.”
                                “You  17)………………………………..  carefully  lower  the  bag  or  ask  for  help  if  it  feels
                                uncomfortable, just 18)……………………………….. not to pull on the catheter.”
                Mr. Haryadi  :  “Sure.”
                Ns. Ramlan  :  “Drinking  plenty  of  water  can  also  help  to  prevent  infection.  Staying  well-hydrated
                                19)……………………………….. help increase your urine output, which will naturally flush out
                                bacteria from your bladder. You 20)……………………………….. aim to drink water regularly
                                throughout the day, unless your doctor has told you otherwise.”
                                “If your urine looks dark or if you notice you’re producing less urine than usual, that
                                could mean you’re not drinking enough. You might want to drink more to help your
                                body stay hydrated.”
                Mr. Haryadi  :  “To 21)……………………………….. irritation, you 22)……………………………….. try to minimize
                                unnecessary movement or tugging on the catheter.”
                                “If  the  catheter  moves  around  too  much,  it  23)………………………………..  irritate  the
                                urethra  and  increase  the  risk  of  infection.  You  24)………………………………..  be  careful
                                when you’re shifting in bed or getting up, so you don’t pull on the catheter.”
                                “If you feel any discomfort or if the catheter feels loose, let us know and we will secure
                                it properly to make sure it stays in place.”
                Ns. Ramlan  :  “Yeah… I will do so.”
                Mr. Haryadi  :  “Finally,  we  will  work  to  remove  the  catheter  as  soon  as  it’s  no  longer  needed  to
                                25)……………………………….. the risk of infection.”
                                “The longer the catheter stays in, the higher the chance of developing a CAUTI. Once
                                your  doctor  determines  that  it’s  safe,  the  catheter  will  be  removed  to  help
                                26)……………………………….. infection from occurring.”
                Ns. Ramlan  :  “It sounds like there’s a lot I can do to help 27)……………………………….. the risk. I’ll make
                                sure to follow those steps.”
                Mr. Haryadi  :  “Absolutely! By keeping the catheter site clean, staying hydrated, and being mindful of
                                movement,     we    can    28)………………………………..        most    infections.   You
                                29)……………………………….. also report any changes, like fever, discomfort, or changes in
                                your urine, as soon as you notice them.”
                Ns. Ramlan  :  “Thanks for explaining everything so clearly. I’ll definitely keep an eye on it.”

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