Page 214 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 214

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1—Core Concepts

        Typical audit documentation would include the items below.

        Exhibit 16.4-2

         Risk Response Phase                                                             Comments
         1.    An audit plan that addresses:                                             Audit documentation
                                                                                         should stand by
               •    All material financial statement areas;

                                                                                         itself and not need
               •    The assessed risks of material misstatement at the fi nancial        be supplemented by
                    statement and assertion levels;                                      oral explanations. See
               •    The nature, timing, and extent of the further audit procedures       experienced auditor
                    performed that respond to the assessed risks; and                    discussion below.
               •    Significant risks identifi ed.                                       Take care in choosing the

         2.    Nature and extent of consultations with others.                           right population for the
                                                                                         assertion being tested.

         3.    Significance and nature of the evidence obtained to the assertion being tested.
                                                                                         Copies of client
         4.    A clear explanation of the results obtained from the test, and how any    records inspected are
               exceptions or deviations were followed up. This includes:
                                                                                         not necessary on fi le,
               •    The basis for the test;                                              but some identifying
               •    The choice of population;                                            characteristics(s), such as
                                                                                         a number or date, etc., is
               •    The level of assessed risk; and
                                                                                         required so that a person
               •    The sampling intervals and choice of the starting point.             could re-perform the test

         5.    Actions taken as a result of auditing procedures that indicate:           if necessary.
               •    Need to modify planned auditing procedures;
               •    Material misstatements may exist;

               •    Omissions in the financial statements; or
               •    The existence of signifi cant deficiencies in internal control over

                    fi nancial reporting.
         6.    Changes, if any, required to the overall audit strategy.

         7.    Use of significant judgments applied on significant matters in

               performing work and evaluating results.
         8.    Discussions with management on signifi cant matters.
         9.    Memoranda, analysis, details of assumptions used, and how the validity
               of the underlying information used was established.
         10.  Cross-references to supporting documentation and evidence that the fi nancial
               statements agree or reconcile with the underlying accounting records.

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