Page 211 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 211

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1—Core Concepts

          Question             Response

                               •     For staff inquiries, their names, job designations, and dates of inquiry; and

                               •     For observations, the process or matter being observed, relevant individuals, their
                                     respective responsibilities, and where/when the observation was carried out.
                               However, abstracts or copies of the entity’s records (such as significant contracts and

                               agreements) may be included if considered appropriate.
          Does Each Page       No. The discipline of initialling working papers (as to who performed and who
          of the Audit         reviewed the audit work) has the effect of holding the engagement team

          File Need To Be      accountable. However, this does  not mean that each page of the working paper
          Initialled and       file needs to be initialled and dated. For example, the evidence of preparation and

          Dated by the         review could be indicated for each section, module or unit in the file rather than

          Preparer and Then  the individual pages. The preparation of working papers (typically at assistant level)
          by the Reviewer?     and their detailed review (typically at the manager level) would involve initialling
                               every working paper section, module or unit, whereas a general review (at the

                               partner level) might involve only looking at key sections of the file where signifi cant
                               professional judgments were made.

          Should ALL           No. It is neither necessary nor practicable for the auditor to document every matter
          Considerations       considered, or professional judgment made. It is the significant matters and signifi cant

          and Use of           judgments made on those matters during the audit that need to be documented.
          Professional         Documentation of significant matters and judgments explains the auditor’s conclusions,

          Judgments Be         and reinforces the quality of the judgments. This can often be achieved through the
          Documented?          preparation of the significant issues memorandum at the completion of the audit.

          Are Preliminary      No. There is no requirement to retain documentation that was incorrect or
          Drafts of Financial  superseded.
          Required To Be
          Kept if Materially
          Inconsistent with
          the Final Financial

          Is It Necessary to   No. Other than in exceptional circumstances, compliance is required with each ISA
          Document Non-        requirement that is “relevant.” An ISA is clearly not relevant when the entire ISA is not
          Compliance with      applicable, or when an ISA requirement is conditional and the condition does not exist.
          ISA Requirements
          that Are Really Not
          Applicable to the

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