Page 45 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 45

םדא               הנשה שאר תליפתו  הנשה שאר ליל ןיד  -     ט"לק ללכ       ייח

              י ִמ לָּבֲא .תֹוּנַע ְּת ִהְּל ליִג ָּר ְּב א ָּק ְּו ַד ּונְּי ַה ,ֹותָּנ ְּ ׁש םיִל ְּ ׁש ַמ ֹוני ֵא הֶּנַע ְּת ִמ ֹוני ֵא ְּו ֹותָּליִג ְּר

              ה ֶשֲע ַמ י ִתי ִשָּע ןֵכ ְּו ,ע ַר רָּב ָּד ע ַדֵי אל ְּו ןֶו ָּא לָּּכ ֹול ע ַרֱאֶי אל ,ת ַח ַא ם ַעַ ּפ הָּּנַע ְּת ִה ֶ ׁש
                                                         81 :תֹוּנַע ְּת ִהְּל רּוס ָּא הָּלְּיַּ לַּב םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמּו .י ִמ ְּצַע ְּב
               82  .'ב םֹוי ְּב םַּג הֶּנַע ְּתִי ,'א םֹוי ְּב אּוה ם ִא ,הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה  ׁשאר ְּב םֹולֲח תיִנֲע ַּת הֶּנַע ְּת ִמה   ַ  ]גי[
              ל ָּח ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו ,ֹותיִנֲע ַתְּל תיִנֲע ַּת ב ַתי ֵמְּל ךי ִרָּצ ןי ֵא ,הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה  ׁשאר ְּב הֶּנַע ְּת ִּמ ַה םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמּו
              ת ַמֲח ֵמ הֶּנַע ְּת ִמ ֹוני ֵא ם ִא א ָּטי ִ ׁש ְּפּו םֹוּי ַה לָּּכ דמְּלִּי ֶ ׁש ןֹוכָּנ ְּו יּוא ָּר ,הֶּנַע ְּת ִּמהו    ַ ְּ  83  .תָּּב ַ ׁש ְּב
              ,ֹול אּוה גּונֲע ַת ְּד ןָּויֵּכ ר ַמֹול  ׁשֵי ,םֹולֲח תיִנֲע ַת ְּב א ָּמָּל ְּ ׁש ִב ְּד ,הָּבּו ׁש ְּת ת ַמֲח ֵמ ק ַר םֹולֲח
              ךי ִרָּצ ,םֶכָּל ֹוי ְּצ ֶח ֹוני ֵא ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵכ ְּו .תיִנֲע ַּת ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ִב ןֵּכ ןי ֵא ֶ ּ ׁש ה ַמ ,"םֶכָּל" י ֵר ְּּ ק ִמ ןֵּכ ם ִא
               86  ר ֵמֹוא ןיאו    ֵ ְּ  81  .םי ִר ֵחֲאַל ל ֵ ּ ׁשַבְּל רּוס ָּא ֶ ׁש ד"י ן ָּמי ִס ב"ק לָּל ְּכ ליֵעְּל ןֵּיעו    ַ ְּ  84  .'הַל הֶי ְּהִּי ֶ ׁש
                                                        םדו רשב
              make  amends  by  fasting  again  during  the   fasts on account of a bad dream enjoys fasting
              week  (see  Shulchan  Aruch  O.C.  288:4),  one   and  in  essence  fulfills  half  of  yom  tov  for
              need not do so for fasting on Rosh  Hashana,   himself (Darkei  Moshe). Accordingly, one who
              even if it is also Shabbos, since some hold that   fasts  on  Rosh  Hashana  as  an  effort  to  do
              fasting   on   Rosh   Hashana   is   always   teshuva  is  not  considered  to  enjoy  doing  so
              commendable (Rema).                          (Magen  Avraham).  See  however  Elya  Rabba
                                                           who argues that this too is enjoyable.
              84.    Ordinarily,  the  celebration  of  a  yom
              tov  is  supposed  to  be  split,  half  for  personal   85.     One  may  only  cook  on  yom  tov  in
              enjoyment  and  half  spent  in  service  of   order  to  eat  on  yom  tov.  One  who  is  fasting
              Hashem. Since one who fasts on yom tov does   doesn’t  need  to  eat  and  therefore  may  not
              not  celebrate  it  for  personal  enjoyment,  he   cook, not for himself, nor for others, unless he
              should make sure the entire day is dedicated   is  intrinsically  liable  to  provide  for  them.  See
              to the service of Hashem (in accordance with   there (hilchos yom tov)  for further elaboration.
              the opinion that one can choose to do so). See
              however Darkei  Moshe  who understands that   86.     Since  it  is  yom  tov,  aneinu  is  not
              by fasting, he has dedicated his entire day to   recited, just as it is not recited on Yom Kippur,
              the  service  of  Hashem.  Moreover,  one  who   because it is yom tov (Darkei Moshe).

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