Page 40 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 40
Chayei Adam - K’lal 139 - The Laws of Rosh Hashana Night & Rosh Hashana Tefilos
considered davening with the tzibur. Therefore, he should either daven at the
same time he approximates the tzibur is davening musaf, or [be sure to] daven
after the end of the third hour of the day. If one is faced with the choice of
going to a place where he will be able to hear shofar but won’t have a minyan, or
to go to a place where there is a minyan, but they don’t have a shofar, he should
opt to go to the place where he can hear shofar even though he will daven by
himself. [More than this,] it is better not to daven at all and only hear the shofar
because the shofar blowing on the first day is a Torah obligation, and even the
second day is at least due to a doubt of a Torah [obligation]. However, if he has
sufficient time to go and fulfill both of them, he should first go to the place where
they daven and then go to hear the shofar, since the entire day is valid for
blowing shofar. [This is all] provided that he doesn’t walk outside the techum, as
described below in K’lal 140. 72
]11[ After davening, we eat, and drink and rejoice. [It should] not [be] an
םדו רשב
66. Magen Avraham can travel to one of two places where in one
they blow shofar but don’t daven musaf (or he
67. In this way, his tefilah will be able to otherwise won’t be able to listen to the
combine with those of the tzibur. (See Chazan’s repetition) or another place where he
Berachos 8a that one who is unable to daven can hear musaf but there is no shofar, he
with a minyan should try to daven at the same should choose to go to the place where the
time as the tzibur, which, although is not shofar is since it is a Torah obligation. By
actual tefilah b’tzibur, is considered a more extension, the same should apply to one who
opportune time. This is codified in Shulchan has to choose between davening with a
Aruch O.C. 90:9) minyan, and hearing shofar. Moreover, even if
the location which has a shofar is not
68. When the midas ha’din is less absolutely certain (either because he is unsure
prominent. if they have a shofar, or if they have one but
don’t know how to blow all the variations of
69. The gemara (Rosh Hashana 34b) blasts, ) he should opt for the location that has
teaches that if one has to choose between a shofar.
hearing shofar and davening musaf, such as
one who doesn’t know how to do either and 70. If however one has to choose between