Page 44 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 44
Chayei Adam - K’lal 139 - The Laws of Rosh Hashana Night & Rosh Hashana Tefilos
custom and doesn’t fast, won’t survive the year, perhaps this only refers to one
who usually fasts on Rosh Hashana, but one who only fasted once, [need not be
concerned] for anything bad, and I myself relied on this. Nevertheless, it is
forbidden to fast at night. 81
]13[ If one fasts after having a bad dream on Rosh Hashana, if it was the first
day of Rosh Hashana, he should fast on the second day as well. However, one
who fasts for a bad dream on Rosh Hashana does not have to fast during the
week to make up for fasting, even if it is Shabbos. One who does fast, should
spend the entire day learning Torah, and certainly if his fast is not [motivated by]
a bad dream, but rather to repent, for if he fasts on account of a bad dream, we
can say it is pleasurable and he thereby fulfills [celebrating yom tov ‘for you’,
which is not the case if one fasts [to repent]. Since he doesn’t fulfill [that] half of
yom tov should be ‘for you’, he must make sure it is [completely] for
Hashem. See above in K’lal 102 siman 14 that he is forbidden to cook for
others. [Nevertheless] he doesn’t recite ‘aneinu’. One who fasted once on Rosh
םדו רשב
Shabbos, one may fast on Rosh Hashana. 81. Since it is yom tov, and a taanis
chalom is only observed during the day.
80. Although the Kol Bo writes that one (Magen Avraham)
need not fast on Rosh Hashana in subsequent 82. Since, by virtue of having a bad
years, the Agur reported that they have a dream, Heaven has shown him that he should
tradition requiring one to fast every fast. If so, then he should certainly fast on the
subsequent Rosh Hashana. Although the Beis second day as well, which is secondary. If
Yosef rules like the Kol Bo, he recommends however, he only had a bad dream on the
annulling his ‘vow’ to fast. The Chayei Adam second night, he should view this as a sign
conjectures here that even the said tradition that Hashem wants him to fast on the second
only referred to people who fasted because day only. Based on this, he should continue to
they held there was a mitzva to do to, and not do so every year, as above. (Terumas
because he had a bad dream one time. See Hadeshen )
also Mateh Efraim who recommends reciting
the ‘hatavas chalom’ procedure instead [of 83. Although one who fasts on account of
fasting], and even if it is Shabbos. a bad dream on Shabbos or yom tov must