Page 37 - طب بديل مقصه_Neat
P. 37

 Anticonvulsant; warm water is one of the most effective relaxants alleviating
       convulsions and muscle spasms.

 Astringent: used as first aid treatment to arrest internal hemorrhage.
 Derivative: this is a method for removing blood from one part of the body by

       increasing blood flow elsewhere.

Effects of Cold and Hot Water:

            Primary Effect                           Secondary Effect

Cold Water  -peripheral vascular constriction        Occurs if patient feels warm:
Hot Water   -Pallor of skin, chilliness, shivering,  -Peripheral vascular dilation,
            chattering                               causing redness of skin
            -Increases respiratory rate              -Decrease in respiratory rate
            -Increases muscular tone                 -Decrease in blood pressure and
            -Increases blood pressure and heart      heart rate
            rate                                     -Muscle relaxation

            -Increases Body Temperature

            -Increases Pulse rate (by 10 for every

            one-degree increase in body temp)

            -Increases respiration rate              Generally, the same as secondary
            -Increases oxygen consumption and        effects of cold; Gradual reduction
            metabolic rate                           of these effects as body returns to
            -Peripheral vasodilatation               normal.
            -Increases circulation

            -Decreases blood pressure

            -Ph becomes more alkaline

            -Increases in excretion from kidneys

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