P. 185

integrase — that catalyze the steps of retroviral infection
                             When the retrovirus enters the healthy host cell (a protease-mediated
                           process),  it  takes  over  the  host  genetic  transcription  machinery  to
                           construct a proviral DNA. This process of converting retroviral RNA
                           into proviral DNA is catalyzed precisely by reverse transcriptase which
                           is crucial for the insertion of proviral DNA into the nucleus of host
                           DNA, a phase initiated by the enzyme integrase. 105
                             In  summary,  reverse  transcriptase  is  an  enzyme  encoded  by  the
                           genetic  material  of  retroviruses,  capable  of  catalyzing  the
                           transcription/copying of retroviral RNA into proviral DNA to generate
                           a complementary DNA (cDNA) which is the DNA synthesized by a
                           single-stranded model of RNA.
                             Reverse transcriptase is then used by HIV-1 to replicate its genome
                           via the general retrotransponsion process. Its mobile genetic elements
                           proliferate within the host genome because retrotransponsions are a
                           type  of  genetic  components  that  copy/paste  in  different  genomic
                           locations  (transponsion),  through  the  conversion  of  RNA  into
                           complementary DNA.
                             In  the  same  way,  trough  reverse  transcription,  a  mRNA-based
                           vaccine for SARS CoV-2 transcribes two strands of DNA, referred to
                           as complementary DNA (cDNA).  Then, in translating a protein, the
                           mRNA molecules leave the cell nucleus  and  enter the cytoplasm  to
                           synthesize individual proteins. The presence of 16 genomic fragments
                           of HIV-1 provides the ‘gain of function’ to the viral genome of SARS-
                           CoV-2 as illustrated within a slideshow. 106  The actions of SARS-CoV-
                           2 are now the same as for HIV itself.

                             The  HIV  replication  process.  Infographic  2  illustrates  the  HIV
                           replication cycle. 107  It is the model for the early events of retroviral life

                             105  Liguo Zhang et al. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated
                           into the human genome. bioRxiv 2020.12.12.422516; Daniel E. Koshland, Protein. Url.
                             106  Perkins Silvester, Replication of HJV. Url.
                             107  Infographic. Url.

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