P. 188
We already know that the SARS-CoV-2 lentivirus contains 16
genomic fragments of HIV-1 and we know that the complementary
DNA enters the nucleus through the NPC (Nuclear Pore Complex)
to the right in this image. 110
Figure 3. The nuclear Pore Complex in the right.
NPC is part of a large protein complex that extends over the nuclear
envelope, which is the double membrane surrounding the nucleus. It is
a protein channel that communicates and transports molecules between
the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm. NPC has a complex structure
composed of many structural proteins and its biosynthesis is an
extremely regulated and cell cycle phase dependent process. 111
The structure of the NPC plays a decisive role in gene expression, in
the pathogenesis of different diseases, but its peculiarity is that it enters
the nucleus without disrupting the nuclear envelope. So, it allows the
HIV-1 lentivirus to replicate in non-dividing cells, as well as in cells
that undergo cellular mitosis. Following this nuclear entry, the DNA of
the PIC's payload is integrated into the DNA of the host cell as a
provirus. A provirus is the genome of a virus that has been integrated
110 Bukrinsky Michael I. (January 2004). A Hard Way to the Nucleus, Molecular
Medicine 10(1-6):1-5. PubMed. Url.
111 Doello Kevin, The Structure and Physiology of the Nuclear Pore Complex and
its Role in Gene Expression and Human Disease, 95 JYI, op. cit.