Page 80 - Kindness - No Forward
P. 80
Legend tells us of a man who watched the Wright Brothers work on their
flying device. “It’ll never work,” he said.
He watched as they carefully drug it to a point to attempt takeoff. “It’ll
never work,” he repeated.
He watched as Orville Wright boarded the craft. “It’ll never work,” he
shouted after him.
And he watched as the plane ascended….and flew.
“Well, if you’re going to do it THAT way…..”
There Is Something Great in Everyone
In Florence, Italy, there is a statue. It is called “David”. It is one of the
most powerful, moving works of art ever created by Man.
And there is a beautiful story associated with this statue.
It seems that the people of Florence commissioned a great artist for this
project. When he arrived in Florence, he inspected the large block of
marble he was to work with and declared it unfit, not perfect enough. He
refused to do the work.
The people of Florence were mortified and didn’t know what to do. So they
contacted another artist of the day, a fellow named Michelangelo.
They said, “Mike, can you work on this for us?” And he said “Sure can,”
and created the living, breathing statue of David.
When the townspeople first saw this masterpiece, they asked Michelangelo
how he could create this work when the other sculptor said he couldn’t.
And Michelangelo said, “The greatness was in there all the time. I just had
to look for it and cut away all the stuff that didn’t belong.”
It was there all the time.
People respond differently to others who look for the good in them. They
try harder, they give more, they respond better. Sometimes they even
achieve greatness.
Like Bob Wieland.