Page 138 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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                                                                 regulation of placental calcium transport. 309  PTHrP is
                            PTHrP actions
                                                                 also produced by the uterus, where it is important in per-
                                                                 mitting relaxation of the smooth muscle of the muscularis
                                                                 as the fetus grows. 565
               Normal/          Normal/          Abnormal/
              endocrine        paracrine         endocrine
                                                                 VITAMIN D

              • Fetal        • Skin            • Humoral         Vitamin D (calciferol) is classified as a secosteroid hor-
                parathyroid  • Mammary glands    hypercalcemia   mone. 261  In tetrapods, the role of vitamin D via the
                glands       • Endocrine organs    of malignancy
              • Placenta     • Muscle                            calcitriol-activated VDR has evolved into one dominated
                             • Lymphoid organs                   by calcium regulatory mechanisms, but the roles in prim-
                             • Kidneys                           itive species, including regulation of detoxification
                             • Bone                              enzymes, have commonly been retained in more evolved
                             • Brain                                      596,613
            Figure 6-8 Actions of parathyroid hormone-related protein  life forms.  These pleiotropic actions of vitamin
            (PTHrP).                                             D   include, among others, important roles as antiproli-
                                                                 ferative and prodifferentiative mediators  working in
                                                                 part via control of DNA replication 164  and roles as
            fetal placenta, 343 and the C-terminal region can inhibit  immunomodulators, 238  including effects on glomerulo-
            osteoclastic bone resorption. 181                    nephritis 431  and encephalitis. 205  A role of calcitriol to reg-
               The complementary DNA (cDNA) for canine and       ulate expression of the insulin receptor has been
            feline PTHrP has been cloned and sequenced. 492,555  described, 345  as has a role in muscle. 140  Of particular
            The sequence of canine PTHrP cDNA and gene indicated  interest in uremic patients is the calcitriol increase of ery-
            that the dog PTHrP gene is more closely related to the  throid proliferation via burst-forming units. 20  These
            human PTHrP gene than are the PTHrP genes in rats,   pleiotropic effects of calcitriol can be related to important
            mice, and chickens. 226  The deduced amino acid sequence  clinical applications in patients with renal or other meta-
            of the N-terminal region (amino acids 1 to 36) is identical  bolic  disease. 252  They  may  explain  the  clinical
            in five mammalian species (dog, cat, human, rat, and  improvements noticed in dog and cat uremic patients
            mouse), and there is a high degree of homology of the  treated preventively with low doses of calcitriol 401  that
            midregion of PTHrP in these species. 350,492,551,555,633  were accomplished when calcitriol was used before any
            The high degree of interspecies homology indicates the  PTH elevation had occurred.
            importance of the N terminus and midregion in the func-
            tion of PTHrP.                                       VITAMIN D METABOLISM
               There is less homology of the C-terminal region of
            canine PTHrP with that from other species. The function  The cholecalciferol (parent vitamin D 3 of animal origin)
            oftheC-terminalregionisunknown.PTHrP(107to111)       metabolites 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 (calcidiol), 1,25-
            and PTHrP (107 to 139) may inhibit osteoclastic bone  dihydroxyvitamin D 3 (calcitriol), and 24,25-dihydroxy-
            resorption. 182,548  Increased urine concentrations of C-  vitamin D 3 are the most important of at least 30
            terminal PTHrP have been demonstrated in humans and  metabolites. In domestic mammals, the same three
            mice with cancer-associated hypercalcemia  and in    metabolites derived from vitamin D 2 (ergocalciferol of
            patients with renal failure. 89  Increased C-terminal PTH  plant origin) are equally bioactive; thus, generic use of
            is also seen in the sera of patients with renal failure and  the terms 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and calcitriol is
            indicatesthatthekidneysareanimportantsiteofexcretion  assumed to include metabolites of vitamin D 3 or D 2
            of C-terminal PTHrP. C-terminal PTHrP may have a lon-  derived from animal or plant origin, respectively. The
            ger serum half-life than N-terminal or midregion PTHrP.  25-hydroxyvitamin D that is produced in liver is the
                                                                 major circulating form of vitamin D 209  and serves as a
            PARATHYROID HORMONE-RELATED                          pool for further activation by 1a-hydroxylation or catab-
            PROTEIN IN THE FETUS                                 olism by 24-hydroxylation. 243,421  Only 25-hydroxylation

            Fetuses maintain higher concentrations of serum iCa than  and 1a-hydroxylation are important in the function of
            their dams. Fetal parathyroid glands produce low levels of  vitamin D. 139
            PTH, 105  and PTHrP functions to maintain iCa balance in
            the fetus. 342,343  PTHrP is secreted by fetal parathyroid  Synthesis
            chief cells, and PTHrP is produced by the placenta, which  In humans, the requirement for vitamin D can be met by
            is necessary for iCa uptake by the fetus. 628  The midregion  consumption of vitamin D 2 or D 3 or by synthesis of vita-
            of PTHrP is the most active portion that stimulates iCa  min D 3 (cholecalciferol) in the skin. Cholecalciferol is
            and iMg transport by the placenta. The placenta expresses  synthesized in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol after
            the iCa-sensing receptor, which may contribute to the  exposure to ultraviolet light. 7-Dehydrocholesterol
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