Page 133 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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Disorders of Calcium: Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia  123

                                                                   Calcitriol also plays an important role in the regulation
               1. DNA synthesis                                 of PTH synthesis and secretion. 538  Calcitriol inhibits
                                                                PTH mRNA synthesis  537  and stimulates synthesis of
                                        DNA                                        99
                                     −            1,25 Vit D 3  the calcium receptor.  These relationships explain the
              2. Transcription                        +         requirement for adequate blood concentrations of
                                                                calcitriol to maintain the ability of the parathyroid gland
                                      Pre mRNA
                                                                to  respond  to  changes  in  extracellular  calcium
               3. Post-transcriptional                          concentrations. 349,405  Increased intracellular iCa may
                                       mRNA                     also cooperate with calcitriol to reduce PTH synthesis
                                                                in chief cells by inhibiting the expression of calreticulin
                                                                (a blocker of VDR action). 526,600  Animals with uremia
               4. Translation                       −
                                       mRNA                     and reduced serum calcitriol concentrations have poorly
                                                                regulated chief cell function that results in renal second-
                                                                ary hyperparathyroidism, 217,401  but a significant part of
                                                                the hyperparathyroid response in uremic patients is the
                         5           6        8
               PreProPTH     ProPTH     PTH           PTH       result of a glandular hyperplasia caused by the changes
                                                                of both calcitriol and serum phosphorus. Serum phos-
                          Post-translational      −
                            processing                          phorus concentrations are generally considered to regu-
                                                                late PTH secretion principally by indirect means. Renal
                           Amino acids                          calcitriol synthesis is reduced early in uremia by modest
                                                                hyperphosphatemia, and the plasma iCa concentration
            Figure 6-4 Synthesis and secretion of parathyroid hormone. Note
            sites of regulation of PTH biosynthesis by extracellular ionized  may decrease because of reduced effects of calcitriol on
            calcium or calcitriol (1,25-[OH] 2 -vitamin D 3 ) interaction. (Modified  the intestine, bone, and kidneys. Markedly increased
            from Habner JF, Rosenblatt M, Potts JT. Parathyroid hormone:  serum phosphorus concentrations (as seen in advanced
            biochemical aspects of biosynthesis, secretion, action, and  renal failure) can lower the serum iCa concentration
            metabolism. Physiol Rev 1984;64:1004.)              (mass law effect), resulting in an increase in PTH secre-
                                                                tion because of the lowered calcium, but these effects
                                                                do not occur early in renal failure when serum phospho-
                                                                rus is only moderately increased. 401
                                                                   Serum magnesium concentration has little role in the
            In general, the parathyroid gland has evolved most of its  control of PTH secretion under normal conditions, but
            regulatory strategies to protect against hypocalcemia,  PTH  secretion  can be  inhibited  by  very high
            with sensitive control of PTH synthesis and secretion  concentrations of serum iMg. 478  Paradoxically, hypo-
            being the dominant sites for regulation. 82,536  However,  magnesemia or magnesium depletion also results in an
            high serum iCa concentrations increase the rate of degra-  inability to secrete PTH, but the cellular mechanism of
            dation of PTH within the gland to protect against   this effect is unclear. This effect may be partially caused
            hypercalcemia.                                      by reduced sensitivity of cell membrane receptors to iCa
              Except for minor diurnal variation, PTH secretion is  in the presence of low serum iMg concentrations. 231,382
            relatively constant but may have a mild pulsatile pattern
            in response to minor fluctuations in the concentration  Set-Point for PTH Secretion
            of serum iCa. 81  A relatively low rate of PTH secretion  The set-point for PTH secretion is defined as the ECF iCa
            is needed normally to maintain serum iCa concentration.  concentration that occurs at the serum PTH concentra-
            The basal secretory rate of PTH is approximately 25% of  tion that is midway between maximal and minimal values
            the maximal rate, and PTH is constantly secreted during  of PTH obtained experimentally. 81  Normal serum iCa
            normocalcemia. Complete inhibition of PTH secretion is  concentration is maintained slightly higher than the
            not  achieved  even  in  the  presence  of  severe  set-point; thus, PTH release normally is less than half-
            hypercalcemia. 313                                  maximal (Fig. 6-5).
              Hypocalcemia is the principal stimulus for PTH secre-  The rate of PTH secretion is inversely proportional to
            tion, but epinephrine, isoproterenol, dopamine, secretin,  the concentration of extracellular calcium, but this pro-
            prostaglandin E 2 , and stimulation of nerve endings  portional secretion of PTH occurs only over a narrow
            within the parathyroid gland may have minor effects. 231  range corresponding to a serum tCa concentration of
            High concentrations of serum and intracellular iCa  7.5 to 11.0 mg/dL. 231  An inverse sigmoidal curve with
            inhibit PTH secretion via increased arachidonic acid 62,101  a steep slope results when the relationship between
            and possibly subsequent eicosanoid production. 101  The  serum iCa concentration and PTH secretion is plotted
            control at PTH mRNA synthesis is also critically    over  a  larger  range  of  calcium  concentrations
            important. 535                                      (see Fig. 6-5). 81  This ensures large changes in PTH
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