Page 134 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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                                                                   Although regulations at each parathyroid cell may fail,
                                                                 thus producing abnormally increased PTH,  214,460
                                                                 changes may also be seen in the maximal secretory capac-
                                                                 ity dependent mostly on parathyroid cell numbers. 506  It is
                                                                 likely that increased PTH secretion in patients with renal
                  Serum PTH            'Set point'               secondary hyperparathyroidism is primarily caused by
                                                                                               One important role
                                                                 parathyroid gland hyperplasia.
                                                                 of calcitriol therapy in these patients is to prevent or
                                                                 reverse the parathyroid cellular hyperplasia. 100,156,403
                                                                 Inhibition of PTH Synthesis and Secretion
                                                                 This topic has become important with the understanding
                                                                 of the toxicity of PTH in animals and humans with
                                 Serum Ca 2+
            Figure 6-5 Relationship between secretion rate of parathyroid  chronic renal failure (CRF) and accompanying secondary
            hormone and plasma calcium concentration. Small changes in  hyperparathyroidism. 11,357,401,438  Recently, increased
            plasma calcium concentration cause large changes in parathyroid  awareness of PTH toxicity stems from established
            hormone secretion, but secretion is not completely suppressed by  relations to cardiovascular disease 135  and mortality. 546
            high plasma calcium concentrations.                  PTH secretion is inhibited by increased serum iCa con-
                                                                 centration, 535,537  and the initial effect to decrease PTH
                                                                 secretion is rapid (occurring within 2 to 3 minutes),
                                                                 mediated by the calcium receptor with a cascade of
            secretion for relatively small changes in iCa concentration  resulting intracellular events 67,137,251  and involving
            in the physiologic range and precise control of serum iCa  mediation by arachidonate. Slower effects are caused
            concentration. An approximate 10% decrease in serum  by inhibition of synthesis of PTH mRNA and its transla-
            iCa concentration elicits a nearly maximal PTH secretory  tion to hormone (Fig. 6-6). 535
            response. The rate of decrease of serum iCa concentration  The osteocyte-derived phosphatonin 43  fibroblast
            is also important, and rapid decreases in serum iCa result  growth  factor-23  (FGF-23)  is  both  protectively
            in larger increases in PTH secretion. A 2% to 3% decrease  phosphaturic 229  and inhibitory of PTH secretion. 203
            in iCa concentration, if rapid in onset, may result in a  FGF-23 is induced by calcitriol 304  and in a feedback loop,
                                        81                                                     229
            400% increase in PTH secretion.                      FGF-23 inhibits calcitriol synthesis.  The calcimimetic
               The cell membrane calcium receptor is responsible for  cinacalcet (Sensipar), previously used as an alternative
            establishing the relationship of the set-point for PTH  to  calcitriol’s  PTH  suppression 13  during  kidney
            secretion and extracellular iCa concentration. 598  The cal-  disease, 543,630  has  recently  been  shown  to  be
            cium receptor regulates PTH secretion indirectly by  contraindicated 131  due primarily to hyperphosphatemic
            controlling the intracellular iCa concentration by means  consequences. 284  High phosphorus is increasingly
            of (1) release of iCa from intracellular stores, and (2) cell  recognized 193,291,359  as the major driver of cardiovascular
            membrane calcium channels. Calcium channels span the  calcification, 280,367  which is the major cause of mortality
            parathyroid chief cell membrane and are important in  in human patients with chronic renal disease. 387
            allowing extracellular iCa access to the interior of the  Calcitriol, in part due to its induction of FGF-23 304  with
            cell. 186  The calcium channels are controlled by intracellu-  its phosphaturic effects, 229  can protect against vascular
            lar iCa concentration 82  and membrane regulatory G  calcification, 358,603,627  which is likely instrumental in
            proteins, which interact with the cell membrane calcium  the now widely recognized improved survival associated
            receptor. 24                                         with use of calcitriol 621  and other active vitamin D
               Calcitriol plays an important role in controlling the  metabolites. 620  Cinacalcet,  although  it  suppresses
            parathyroid gland set-point by regulating (1) synthesis  PTH, 630  fails to affect FGF-23, so with PTH suppressed,
            of the cell membrane calcium receptor, 76,99  (2) synthesis  there is no protection against hyperphosphatemia caused
            of cell membrane G proteins, and (3) function of cell  by failure of renal excretion. Oral calcitriol improves sur-
            membrane calcium channels. 404  Therefore, adequate  vival in human renal failure patients before dialysis, 584  a
            calcitriol is necessary to maintain the set-point for PTH  group that corresponds to the dogs and cats with chronic
            secretion. The regulation of calcium receptor expression  renal failure for which veterinary use of calcitriol has been
            by calcitriol explains the observed “calcium set point”  recommended. 401  A  large  body  of  work  now
            aberrations in control of PTH secretion in those with ure-  demonstrates in humans the life protection conferred
            mia. 356  These patients have deficits in calcitriol produc-  by calcitriol, 617,643  and in placebo-controlled studies in
            tion, 116,617  as well as resistance in uremic parathyroids  the dog. 456
            to calcitriol 160,435 ; thus, they are less able of inducing  Calcitriol is an important inhibitor of PTH synthesis,
            synthesis of adequate numbers of calcium receptors.  and it completes a negative feedback loop from the
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