Page 136 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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                            H N  1                 84  COOH       H N  1   ?                84  COOH
                                      Intact PTH                          Carboxyl fragments
                                                GFR + Tubular



                     metabolism                       Urine: 1. Intact PTH - from Filtration
                                                          2. Carboxyl fragments - from Filtration
                                                                           + Tubular degradation of intact PTH
                        Figure 6-7 Degradation and clearance of parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH (1-84) is secreted intact from
                        the parathyroid gland into the circulation. Biologically inactive carboxy-terminal (COOH) fragments of PTH
                        are also secreted by the parathyroid gland, but amino-terminal PTH is not secreted and does not circulate in
                        biologically relevant concentrations. Peripheral metabolism of intact PTH to carboxy-terminal PTH
                        fragments occurs mostly in the liver but may also occur in the kidneys and bone. Both intact PTH and
                        carboxy-terminal PTH are cleared by glomerular filtration, but only intact PTH is metabolized in the liver,
                        kidneys, and bone. The half-life of intact PTH in vivo is short compared with that of the carboxy-terminal
                        fragments of PTH. (Modified from Endres DB, Villaneuva R, Sharp CF, et al. Measurement of parathyroid
                        hormone. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 1989;18:614.)

            ACTIONS OF PARATHYROID                               principal active vitamin D metabolite (1,25-dihydrox-
            HORMONE                                              yvitamin D, or calcitriol) by the kidneys through a trophic
                                                                 effect to both induce synthesis of and activate the 1a-
            PTH is the principal hormone involved in the minute-to-
                                                                 hydroxylase in mitochondria of renal epithelial cells in
            minute fine regulation of blood calcium concentration. It
                                                                 the proximal convoluted tubules.
            exerts its biologic actions directly by influencing the func-
                                                                   An important action of PTH on bone is to mobilize
            tion of target cells primarily in bone and the kidneys and                             102
                                                                 calcium from skeletal reserves into ECF.  The increase
            indirectly in the intestine to maintain plasma calcium at a
                                                                 in blood calcium concentration results from an interac-
            concentration sufficient to ensure the optimal function-
                                                                 tion of PTH with receptors on osteoblasts that stimulate
            ing of a wide variety of body cells.
                                                                 increased calcium release from bone and direct an increase
               In general, the most important biologic effects of PTH                       393
                                                                 in osteoclastic bone resorption.
            on calcium are to (1) increase the blood calcium concen-
            tration; (2) increase tubular reabsorption of calcium,  The response of bone to PTH is biphasic. The immedi-
            resulting in decreased calcium loss in the urine; (3)  ateeffectsaretheresult ofincreasingthe activity ofexisting
            increase bone resorption and the numbers of osteoclasts  bone cells. This rapid effect of PTH depends on the con-
                                                                 tinuous presence of hormone and results in an increased
            on bone surfaces; and (4) accelerate the formation of the
                                                                 flow of calcium from deep in bone to bone surfaces
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