Page 142 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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            source of calcium in addition to the internal mobilization  TABLE 6-1  Normal Serum
            from bone. Hypocalcemia increases transcription of the                 Concentrations
            PTH gene and synthesis of PTH mRNA, enhancing the
            ability of the chief cells to produce PTH. This effect also                           Dog       Cat
            occurs within hours of hypocalcemia. Over days or weeks
            of hypocalcemia, further increases in PTH secretion are  Total Calcium
            achieved largely by hypertrophy and hyperplasia of chief  mg/dL                     9.0-11.5  8.0-10.5
            cells in the parathyroid gland. 497  In addition, the propor-  mmol/L               2.2-3.8   2.0-2.6
            tion of chief cells actively synthesizing PTH is increased.  Ionized Calcium
                                                                 mg/dL                          5.0-6.0   4.5-5.5
            NORMAL HOMEOSTATIC                                   mmol/L                         1.2-1.5   1.1-1.4
            RESPONSE TO                                          Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)      2-13*     0-4*
                                                                 Intact (pmol/L)
            HYPERCALCEMIA                                        N-terminal (pg/mL)             5-55      8-28
                                                                 Parathyroid Hormone Related    <1.0*     <1.0*
            Most of the effects that occur during hypercalcemia are  protein (PTHrP) (pmol/L)
            the opposite of those described earlier for hypocalce-  (intact or N-terminal)
            mia. 478  Hypercalcemia results in decreased PTH secre-
            tion, increased intracellular degradation of PTH in  25-Hydroxyvitamin D            60-215*   65-170*
            chief cells, and decreased PTH synthesis. Increased calci-  (calcidiol) (nmol/L)
                                                                 1,25-Dihyroxyvitamin D
            tonin secretion is stimulated in an attempt to minimize
                                                                 (calcitriol) (pg/mL)
            the magnitude of hypercalcemia. In addition, hyperplasia
            of C cells in the thyroid gland results if the hypercalcemic  Adults                20-50     20-40
                                                                 10-12-week old
            stimulus is sustained, but this mechanism is ineffective for
            controlling hypercalcemia because of the transitory effect  *Data from Endocrine Diagnostic Section, Diagnostic Center for
            of calcitonin on osteoclastic bone resorption. 420,484  Population and Animal Health, Lansing, Michigan.
            Calcitriol synthesis is decreased both through direct inhi-
            bition by iCa and as a result of decreased stimulation
            because of decreased PTH concentration.              tCa measurement overestimated normocalcemia and
                                                                 underestimated hypocalcemia, 519  and in cats, hypercalce-
            DIAGNOSTICS                                          mia and normocalcemia were underestimated, and hypo-
                                                                 calcemia was overestimated when using serum tCa
            Table 6-1 lists the normal values for serum tCa, 115 iCa, 114  concentration to predict iCa status. 518
            PTH, 404,577  PTHrP, 489  and vitamin D metabolites that
            are useful in the diagnostic workup of patients with  Analytical Methods
            calcium disorders. 478                               Fasting serum or heparinized plasma samples should be
                                                                 submitted for analysis. Oxalate, citrate, and ethylenedia-
            TOTAL CALCIUM                                        minetetraacetic acid (EDTA) anticoagulants should not
            Despite the fact that only the iCa fraction is physiologi-  be used because calcium is bound to these chemicals
            cally active, the calcium status of animals is usually initially  and becomes unavailable for analysis. 623
            based on evaluation of the serum tCa concentration.    Serum tCa concentrations vary with the method used.
            Measurement of tCa concentration is more readily avail-  Isotope dilution with subsequent mass spectrometry
            able than iCa measurement, but it does not always accu-  constitutes the definitive method for calcium measure-
            rately reflect the iCa concentration of the patient. The  ment but is not readily available. 200  For clinical determi-
            serum tCa concentration has been assumed to be directly  nation of serum tCa concentration, simple colorimetric
            proportional to iCa, but in many clinical conditions, this  reactions and spectrophotometry are usually employed
            may lead to erroneous interpretation of laboratory data.  using  automated  or  manual  methods.  Ortho-
            In humans with disorders of calcium balance, measure-  cresolphthalein complexone is a metal dye that is com-
            ment of serum tCa concentrations failed to predict serum  monly used to form a color complex with calcium. This
            iCa concentrations in 31% of all patients 566  and in 26% of  method is accurate and reproducible. 200  Hemolysis can
            patients with renal disease. 88  In 1633 canine samples,  result in formation of an interfering hemoglobin-chro-
            diagnostic disagreement between serum iCa and tCa    mogen complex that falsely increases measured calcium
            was 27%, and in dogs with CRF, this disagreement was  concentration. High concentrations of bilirubin falsely
            36%. 519  In cats, serum iCa concentrations were only  decrease, and acetaminophen and hydralazine falsely
            moderately correlated with serum tCa concentrations, 142  increase serum tCa concentration. Lipemia can result in
            and a 40% diagnostic disagreement between serum iCa  spuriously high calcium concentrations, 380  with values
            and tCa measurement was noted in 434 cats. 518  In dogs,  exceeding 20 mg/dL in some instances of severe lipemia.
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