Page 145 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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Disorders of Calcium: Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia  135

            anaerobically  collected  samples,  corrected  iCa  concept that the iCa fraction is tightly regulated and
            concentrations have not been advocated for use in   represents the biologically active fraction of serum
            humans because insight into the pathophysiology of the  calcium.
            patient is gained by evaluation of the in vivo iCa concen-  Complexed and protein-bound calcium fractions have
            tration and pH. 199  This may be especially true for patients  not been assessed in metabolic disorders associated with
            with renal disease. 498  If anaerobic sampling is possible  abnormal calcium concentrations. Measurement of the
            (typically in an in-house setting), there is no necessity  protein-bound and complexed calcium fractions in addi-
            or benefit in correcting the iCa concentration to a pH  tion to the iCa fraction may facilitate detection of disease
            of 7.4. Only when samples are handled aerobically is there  processes that affect calcium metabolism. In dogs with
            a need for correction to a standard pH. In one study, iCa  CRF, two subgroups have been identified based on cal-
            measurement was stable in aerobically handled serum for  cium fractionation. Dogs with normal to elevated serum

            up to 48 hours at 4 C; however, in this study samples  tCa concentrations had a significantly higher concentra-
            were undisturbed for this period so they had minimal  tion of circulating complexed calcium as compared with
            mixing with air. 68  During shipment to a laboratory,  those dogs with low concentrations of tCa, even though
            serum mixes considerably with air, causing a significant  there was no difference in iCa or protein-bound calcium
            decrease in iCa due to an increase in pH. Thus, it is not  between groups. 517  Further studies are needed to deter-
            recommended to measure iCa in shipped aerobically han-  mine whether prognosis or effectiveness of therapy differs
            dled samples without adjustment to a standard pH of 7.4.  between these groups.
            Normal Values                                       PARATHYROID HORMONE
            The range for serum iCa concentration in normal dogs  PTH circulates predominantly as intact PTH (1-84) and
            and cats varies among laboratories but is approximately  carboxyl-terminal fragments. Only intact PTH is biologi-
            5.0 to 5.8 mg/dL (1.25 to 1.45 mmol/L) in adult     cally active, and it is best to measure this form in serum or
            dogs 516  and 4.6 to 5.4 mg/dL (1.15 to 1.35 mmol/L)  plasma. Samples should be stored and shipped frozen to
            in adult cats. 142  An effect of aging has been observed  prevent degradation of intact PTH. Stability is best in
            in both the dog and cat. Young dogs and cats (up to  plasma collected with EDTA, but serum is adequate if
            2 years of age) have serum iCa concentrations that are  stored frozen after separation from blood. Because of
            0.1 to 0.4 mg/dL higher than those reported in older  the sequence homology of human and animal PTH,
            animals. 142,385  Normal values should be established for  commercial assays developed for humans have been used
            each laboratory based on the age of the animal, type of  successfully for some veterinary species. 117  An amino-
            sample, and analyzer used.                          terminal-specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used for
                                                                more than 50 mammalian species but is no longer com-
            Fractionation of Serum Calcium                      mercially available. 402  A two-site immunoradiometric
            In addition to measuring the ionized concentration in the  assay (IRMA) for intact human PTH has been validated
            serum, the protein-bound and complexed fractions of  in the dog and cat. 26,577  Normal values for serum PTH
            calcium can be quantified using fractionation techniques.  concentration using this assay were 2 to 13, 0 to 4, and
            Ionized calcium and complexed calcium are diffusible,  0 to 2 pmol/L in the dog, cat, and horse, respectively
            and together are referred to as ultrafilterable calcium.  (Endocrine Diagnostic Section, Diagnostic Center for
            To separate protein-bound from ultrafilterable serum cal-  Population and Animal Health, Lansing, MI). Unfortu-
            cium, a micropartition system based on the filtration  nately, this assay has been discontinued. The two-site
            method has been used. 173,516  The micropartition system  assays have not proved useful for measurement of PTH
            contains a filter through which ultrafilterable calcium  in reptiles. The expected responses of PTH in various
            (complexed and ionized) passes. It is important that  conditions will be discussed later (see Hypercalcemia
            serum be collected anaerobically before ultrafiltration  and Hypocalcemia sections).
            to allow accurate measurement of the calcium fractions  The two-site IRMA measures both the intact PTH-
            and to prevent changes in serum pH.                 (1-84) and the PTH-(7-84) fragment, because the
              Protein-bound, ionized, and complexed calcium     amino-terminal antibodies react near the tenth amino
            fractions in serum were 34%, 56%, and 10% in normal  acid. 74,133,413  A new third-generation IRMA “whole”
            dogs 516  and 40%, 52%, and 8% in normal cats, respectively  PTH assay has been developed for use in humans that
            (Schenck, unpublished observations). Ultrafilterable cal-  measures only PTH-(1-84). 204  This new assay could offer
            cium (ionized and complexed fractions) in dogs, 516  a better measure of whole PTH, especially in patients with
            horses, 255  and cats (Schenck, unpublished observations)  secondary hyperparathyroidism because the PTH-(7-84)
            accounted for 66%, 63%, and 60% of serum tCa, respec-  fragment is increased in these patients. 386  High
            tively. The iCa fraction has the smallest variation, with  concentrations of carboxyl-terminal PTH fragments,
            larger variations occurring in the protein-bound and  which occur in cats with CRF, may interfere with intact
            complexed fractions. This observation supports the  PTH immunoassays. 30  Using ratios of “whole” PTH
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