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            versus “intact” PTH to clarify low bone turnover, renal  VITAMIN D METABOLITES
            osteodystrophy 406  or the dynamics of PTH secretion 507  Measurement of vitamin D metabolites is occasionally
            have been attempted. 216,305  The “whole” PTH assay
                                                                 helpful in diagnosing disorders of calcium homeostasis
            may also be of better diagnostic value in dogs than the
                                                                 (see Table 6-1). 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (calcidiol) and
            “intact” PTH assay because PTH-(7-84) fragments      calcitriol are the metabolites of clinical interest for detec-
            may be increased in dogs as compared with humans. 168
                                                                 tion of hypovitaminosis D, hypervitaminosis D, and
            Whole PTH (1-84) and intact PTH (1-84 and 7-84) have
                                                                 abnormalities of the renal hydroxylase system (e.g., renal
            been measured in dogs, and it was observed that the
                                                                 failure). The metabolites are stable during refrigeration
            whole PTH/intact PTH ratio in dogs (about 36%) was
                                                                 and freezing, but samples should not be exposed to light
            less than in humans, and the ratio did not change during  for long periods.
            acute hypocalcemia. 168  In preliminary studies in cats, a  The metabolites of vitamin D are chemically identical
            third-generation PTH-(1-84) assay resulted in higher  in all species, thus receptor-binding assays or RIAs devel-
            PTH values than a second generation assay that also  oped for use in humans are satisfactory for the measure-
            measures the PTH-(7-84) fragment. 134  Although this                                     256,260
                                                                 ment of the same metabolites in animals.  Young
            is opposite of what is found in humans, it is not unex-
                                                                 growing dogs have higher calcitriol concentrations than
            pected because cat and other mammalian PTH is more
                                                                 mature dogs, and most mammals appear to share this
            similar to human PTH in the first few amino acids than                         373
                                                                 attribute during rapid growth.
            in the region of the tenth amino acid.
                                                                   Concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D are a good
            PARATHYROID HORMONE-RELATED                          indicator of vitamin D ingestion or production in vivo
            PROTEIN                                              and can be used to diagnose hypovitaminosis D or hyper-
                                                                 vitaminosis D. 107  Calcitriol assays can be used to detect
            Two-site IRMA and N-terminal RIA are available for the  genetic  errors  of  vitamin  D  metabolism,  low
            measurement of human PTHrP. 49,310  These assays are  concentrations of calcitriol in patients with renal failure,
            useful for measuring biologically active PTHrP in the  or high concentrations of calcitriol in some patients with
            dog   (see  Cancer-Associated  Hypercalcemia  sec-   cancer-associated hypercalcemia. 478
            tion) 117,489  because of the high degree of sequence
            homology of PTHrP between species, especially in the  BONE BIOPSY AND BONE MARROW
            N-terminal 111 amino acids. 91  An N-terminal RIA for  ASPIRATION
            human PTHrP did not prove useful for measuring       Bonemarrowaspirationorcorebiopsyisfrequentlypartof
            circulating PTHrP in a small number of horses. 490
                                                                 the diagnostic evaluation of animals without an obvious
            PTHrP is susceptible to degradation by serum proteases,
                                                                 cause of hypercalcemia. Its greatest utility is in the discov-
            and PTHrP concentrations must be measured in fresh or  ery of lymphoma, myeloproliferative disease, or multiple
            frozen plasma using EDTA as an anticoagulant. EDTA   myeloma. Biopsy of the iliac crest is recommended for
            complexes with plasma calcium, which is required for  standardization, particularly when histomorphometric
            function of many proteases. The addition of protease
                                                                 analysis is available for the quantitative evaluation of bone
            inhibitors, such as aprotinin and leupeptin, may provide  formation and bone resorption. A procedure for iliac crest
            further inhibition of proteolysis in plasma. 429                                 122,486
                                                                 bone biopsy has been described.   Direct biopsy of
               The circulating forms of PTHrP are not completely
                                                                 focal bone lesions may be diagnostic, particularly when
            understood because PTHrP rapidly undergoes proteoly-
                                                                 such lesions are caused by lymphoma, multiple myeloma,
            sis intracellularly and extracellularly after secretion into  or a metastatic bone tumor.
            the blood. 429  The forms of PTHrP that are present
            in vivo include intact PTHrP, an N-terminal peptide, a
            combined   N-terminal  and  midregion  peptide,  a   HYPERCALCEMIA
            midregion peptide, and a C-terminal peptide.
            Fragments that have PTH-like biologic activity in vivo  Hypercalcemia is an uncommon but important electro-
            include N-terminal PTHrP (1-36), PTHrP (1-86), and   lyte disturbance of dogs and cats. The frequency of
            intact PTHrP (1-141). The two-site immunologic assays  finding hypercalcemia based on evaluation of serum
            measure intact PTHrP (1-141) and PTHrP (1-86)        tCa in more than 10,000 canine serum samples analyzed
            because antibodies bind to the N terminus and        during a 6-month period at one private veterinary diag-
            midregion. The N-terminal RIAs measure intact PTHrP  nostic laboratory was 1.5%. 94  Of these, 28% were found
            (1-141), PTHrP (1-86), and N-terminal PTHrP (1-36).  to be from young growing dogs, 62% were found to be
            The C-terminal PTHrP accumulates in the sera of human  transient, and 18% were persistent and associated with
            patients with renal failure, which suggests that C-terminal  pathology.
            PTHrP peptides are excreted by the kidneys, as occurs  Hypercalcemia can serve as a marker of disease or can
            with PTH. 89                                         create disease. Increases in serum iCa concentration
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