Page 148 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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            permeability coefficient of the glomerulus (K f ); acute  because the urinary concentrating defect can occur with-
            tubular necrosis from the ischemic and toxic effects of  out structural renal lesions. This condition is commonly
            hypercalcemia; and CRF caused by nephron loss,       misdiagnosed as primary renal failure when it is actually
            nephrocalcinosis, tubulointerstitial inflammation, and  prerenal failure caused by dehydration and a renal
            interstitial fibrosis.                               concentrating defect early in the course of hypercalcemia.
               Decreased urinary concentrating ability and polyuria  Intrarenal causes of azotemia during hypercalcemia
            are early functional effects of hypercalcemia in dogs.  can be functional or structural. Hypercalcemia can induce
            The concentrating defect is often out of proportion to  renal vasoconstriction, resulting in decreased renal blood
            the observed reduction in glomerular filtration rate  flow (RBF) and GFR. In an acute model of hypercalce-
            (GFR) and increase in serum creatinine or blood urea  mia, reduced RBF and GFR were observed consistently
            nitrogen (BUN) concentration. Urine specific gravity  in conscious dogs when serum tCa concentration
            is consistently less than 1.030 in dogs and was less than  exceeded 20 mg/dL, but only one half of the dogs had
            1.020 in more than 90% of hypercalcemic dogs in one  significant reductions in GFR and RBF when serum cal-
            study. 314  Urinary concentration may be well preserved  cium concentration was 15 to 20 mg/dL. Little effect on
            in some cats with hypercalcemia that do not have     RBF and GFR was observed when serum calcium concen-
            CRF. Defective urinary concentrating ability results from  tration was less than 15 mg/dL. These findings are in con-
            a combination of reduced tubular reabsorption of     trast to those in studies of anesthetized dogs, which
            sodium and impaired action of antidiuretic hormone   demonstratedmuchmoresevere functionalchangesduring
            on tubular cells of the collecting duct. This results in a  hypercalcemia. 335  Impaired renal autoregulation related to
            form of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus characterized  the effects of hypercalcemia may result in azotemia at early
            by hyposthenuria if the diluting segment of the nephron  stages of dehydration because GFR would otherwise be
            (medullary thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop) is  maintained by afferent arteriolar vasodilatation.
            unaffected. These effects are caused by intrinsic      Acute intrinsic renal failure (AIRF) occasionally
            responses of the kidneys to hypercalcemia. Some of these  develops as a consequence of hypercalcemia, but chronic
            effects are mediated by calcium-sensing receptors on the  intrinsic renal failure is more common. Sustained renal
            renal epithelial cells, 79  whereas others may be related to  vasoconstriction related to hypercalcemia may result in
            effects of hypercalcemia on aquaporin expression, cell  ischemic tubular injury, promoting the development of
            trafficking, and delivery to apical membranes of the  both AIRF and chronic intrinsic renal failure and
            collecting tubules. 163,459,597  Additional direct effects  potentiating the direct toxic effects of calcium on tubular
            of hypercalcemia on the kidneys include reduced tubular  cells. The toxic effects of ionized hypercalcemia are
            calcium reabsorption and antagonism of the actions of  enhanced by high concentrations of PTH in animals with
            PTH. These responses by the kidneys facilitate calcium  CRF because excess PTH increases calcium entry into
            excretion and help to ameliorate the clinical effects of  cells. 403  The ascending limb of Henle’s loop and distal
            hypercalcemia. Renal medullary blood flow is increased  convoluted tubule show the earliest structural lesions,
            in dogs with experimental hypercalcemia 86  and can  but lesions in the collecting system are ultimately the
            result in medullary washout as another mechanism     most pronounced. Thickening and mineralization of
            contributing to hyposthenuria. Isosthenuria develops if  tubular basement membranes are most apparent in the
            the diluting segments have been structurally altered by  proximal tubule. Tubular atrophy, mononuclear cell infil-
            long-standing hypercalcemia. Polydipsia occurs as com-  tration, and interstitial fibrosis occur in the chronic
            pensation for obligatory polyuria, but there is evidence  stages. Degenerative and necrotic tubules also are
            that polydipsia can be caused by direct stimulation of  observed. Granular and tubular cell casts contribute to
            the thirst center by hypercalcemia. 115  Mineralization of  intrarenal obstruction and azotemia. 314
            renal tubules, basement membranes, or the interstitium;  Calcium-oxalate urolithiasis occasionally occurs in
            tubular degeneration; and interstitial fibrosis are struc-  animals with long-standing hypercalcemia and has been
            tural changes that may occur in the kidneys secondary  described in dogs and cats with primary hyperparathy-
            to hypercalcemia and can contribute to impaired urinary  roidism. Nephrocalcinosis and linear mineralization
            concentrating ability.                               along the renal diverticula are nonspecific findings discov-
               Dehydration is common owing to increased fluid losses  ered by radiography or ultrasonography in some dogs
            fromvomitingandpolyuria.Substantialcontractionofthe  with long-standing hypercalcemia. Increased renal
            ECF volume results in a reduction in GFR severe enough  echogenicity and the medullary rim sign have been
            to increase BUN and serum creatinine concentrations and  described during renal ultrasonography in dogs with
            to cause prerenal azotemia. The clinical axiom that dilute  hypercalcemia. 28,53  These changes can occur in other
            urine in association with azotemia is caused by intrinsic  normocalcemic conditions and in forms of dystrophic
            renallesionsmaynotbetrueinanimalswithhypercalcemia   mineralization.
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