Page 144 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
P. 144


               Recently, portable clinical analyzers have been devel-  of iCa. When zinc heparin is used as an anticoagulant,
            oped for cage-side analysis of iCa concentration. These  iCa  concentration  is  overestimated  most  likely
            analyzers use a disposable cartridge containing an   because of a decrease in pH, which displaces calcium
            impregnated biosensor for iCa and other analytes. Hepa-  from  proteins. 338,340  Lithium  heparin  causes  an
            rinized whole blood is used for analysis, but caution  underestimation in iCa concentration, 338  and an electro-
            should be exercised when interpreting these results.  lyte-balanced heparin may underestimate or overestimate
            Ionized calcium concentrations in dogs are typically  iCa concentration depending on whether hypocalcemia,
            0.05 to 0.26 mmol/L lower, and 0.05 to 0.14 mmol/L   normocalcemia, or hypercalcemia is present. The amount
            lower in cats, when heparinized whole blood is       of heparin used is critical in the measurement of iCa in
            compared with serum iCa measurement. 227  The greatest  blood. Using syringes containing a premeasured quantity
            underestimation of iCa concentration occurred when   of lithium heparin or electrolyte-balanced heparin, iCa
            serum iCa concentrations were greater than 1.3 mmol/  measurement was underestimated when a less than
            L. When iCa concentration in heparinized whole blood  recommended quantity of blood was collected for analy-
            was measured using both ion-selective electrode      sis. 338,339  When using heparinized whole blood for mea-
            methodology and portable clinical analyzer methods,  surement of iCa concentration, it is imperative to collect
            the correlation (r) was only 0.71. 398  The portable clinical  the same volume of blood for each sample to avoid the
            analyzer method resulted in an iCa concentration that  dilutional effects of heparin. Syringes containing a
            was approximately 2.6% lower than that measured with  premeasured amount of dry heparin are preferable to
            an ion-selective electrode. 334  However, in a study of dogs  coating a syringe manually with an unknown and variable
            and  horses,  there  were  no  differences  in  iCa  quantity of liquid heparin.
            concentrations using heparinized whole blood measured  Ionized calcium and pH are more stable in serum than
            with an ion-selective electrode and portable clinical ana-  in whole or heparinized blood. The analysis of serum
            lyzer. 337  Because the quantity and type of heparin used  eliminates the potential interference of heparin and allows
            and volume of blood collected also have an effect on  a longer storage period before analysis. Silicone separator
            iCa measurement, it is best to establish a rigid protocol  tubes should not be used; the iCa concentration was
            for blood collection when using a portable clinical ana-  increased in serum separated by use of silicone separator
            lyzer. Reference ranges should also be established for  tubes because of release of calcium from the silicone
            the analyzer using this standard protocol.           gel. 322  Measured iCa in canine and equine sera was stable
                                                                 after storage for 72 hours at 23 Cor4 C and for 7 days

            Sample Handling Techniques                           at 4 C. 514,515  Use of serum collected anaerobically and

            Concentration of iCa can be determined in samples han-  stored at 4 C allows sufficient time for shipment to a

            dled under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The  reference laboratory for anaerobic measurement of
            most precise determination of iCa concentration and  iCa and pH.
            physiologic pH requires that samples be collected and  Ionized calcium may also be accurately measured in
            processed anaerobically to ensure that no increase in  samples handled aerobically. Mathematical formulas have
            pH occurs because of loss of CO 2 . The pH of blood or  been developed to correct the iCa concentration in
            serum has a significant effect on serum iCa concentration.  samples exposed to air (with increased pH) to the actual
            Acidic pH favors dissociation of calcium from protein and  pH of the patient or to a pH of 7.4. 331,400  In a study of
            increases the amount of iCa in the sample. Alkaline pH  serum samples from 61 dogs and 21 cats, there was good
            occurs with loss of CO 2 and favors calcium binding to  correlation between iCa measured anaerobically and
            protein, thus decreasing the amount of iCa. Mixing   again aerobically after shipment to a diagnostic laboratory
            serum with air results in increased pH and decreased  (Schenck and Chew, unpublished observations). These
            measured iCa concentration because of loss of CO 2 from  pH correction formulas are species specific, and formulas
            the sample. 515  Exposure to air in partially filled  developed in humans should not be used. A mathematical
            serum tubes also can affect iCa concentration; tubes that  correction formula should be derived for each species in
            were only 25% or 50% filled had 0.07 or 0.04 mmol/L  each laboratory setting. Although not as precise as anaer-
            lower concentrations of iCa when compared with       obic measurement, aerobic measurement under proper
            measurements from tubes that were 100% filled. 587   laboratory conditions offers a diagnostically accurate
               Ionized calcium can be measured in whole blood or  methodology for iCa determination with simplified
            heparinized plasma, but measurement is problematic.  shipping and handling requirements.
            Heparinized  canine  blood  provided  stable  iCa      Some iCa analyzers will automatically mathematically
            measurements when stored up to 9 hours at 4 C, but   manipulate the iCa concentration and actual pH value

            pH was significantly increased after 3 hours. 553  In prac-  of the sample and yield an adjusted value for iCa concen-
            tice, it may be impossible to analyze the sample within this  tration that theoretically would occur at a pH of 7.4.
            period. The amount and type of heparin used for whole  These correction formulas were developed for use in
            blood or plasma samples also affect the measurement  humans and should not be used in animals. When using
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