Page 172 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 8  Molecular Diagnostics  151

           inflammatory bowel disease from gastrointestinal (GI) lymphoma   inactivated in all the cells in a particular sample. Because not all
           in dogs 30,31  and cats 32,33  and to aid in the diagnosis of nodular   animals will be heterozygous, the assay is useful only in a subset of
                                                                 female animals—68% of cats  and 50% of dogs.  The assay has
           splenic lymphoma, which can be difficult to distinguish from  nodular hyperplasia. 34                           been used for canine patients with possible chronic myelogenous
             Clonality assays sometimes can be useful for establishing the
                                                                 leukemia  and for cats with possible myelodysplastic syndrome.
           lineage (B cell vs. T cell) in cytologically unambiguous lympho-  In dogs this assay has been named the canine androgen receptor
           mas if additional case material is not obtainable from the patient.   assay (CANARA assay).  
           However, flow cytometry or immunohistochemistry generally is
           preferable for this purpose, for several reasons: first, aberrant rear-  Whole Genome and Whole Exome Sequencing—
           rangements occasionally can be seen in nonlymphoid tumors, such
           as myelogenous leukemias.  Second, simply knowing whether a   Next Generation Sequencing
           neoplasm is derived from a B cell or a T cell may not be clinically   Next generation sequencing (also known as  massively parallel
           useful. Both lineages can give rise to markedly different tumor   sequencing) is a technology that allows investigators to sequence the
           types with significantly  different outcomes.  For example, the   entire genome of an individual (or an individual’s tumor). Sequenc-
           two most common forms of T-cell lymphoma (peripheral T-cell   ing an entire genome was considered an enormous and expensive
           lymphoma and T-zone lymphoma) both have clonally rearranged   endeavor not many years ago, but it is now a routine part of inves-
           T-cell receptor genes. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, however, has a   tigating the biology of cancer. Thousands of human cancers have
           median survival time of 150 days,  whereas T-zone lymphoma is   been fully sequenced, and the cost and efficiency of this process
           indolent and may not require treatment at all. 37     means that individual tumors can be sequenced to aid clinical deci-
             The principle of the clonality assay also can be used to quan-  sion making. The main types of information that can be obtained
           tify tumor cells in blood, bone marrow, or node and to monitor   from whole genome sequencing of a tumor include (1) mutations
           minimum residual disease. For this type of analysis PCR primers   in potential oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, including single
           specific for the immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor gene carried by   nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertions and deletions (indels);
           the tumor are used instead of the broadly reactive primers used   (2) structural changes in chromosomes, including fustion  genes
           to screen samples. In this way the investigator is certain that only   and copy number variations (CNVs), in which whole genetic
           tumor DNA is amplified, and not nonneoplastic lymphocytes.   regions may be duplicated; and (3) the mutational load of a par-
           The specificity of this reaction permits determination of the num-  ticular tumor, which may predict responsiveness to checkpoint
           ber of tumor cells in a sample of blood, even when those cells are   inhibitor therapy and also identify potential neoantigens that may
           as rare as 1:10  cells. Yamazaki et al demonstrated that with cur-  be targeted in immunotherapy strategies. The principles of next
           rent chemotherapy protocols, all seven dogs they examined had at   generation sequencing are described in the next section. 
           least 1:10  cells in their peripheral blood, even though the dogs
           achieved clinical remission.  Although this kind of analysis may   Quantifying Genes and Gene Expression
           not be practical for routine diagnostics, it is a powerful research
           tool to compare the efficacy of novel chemotherapy regimens, and   The complete genetic code, or DNA sequence, is present within
           it also can be used to refine current protocols. Indeed, this method   every cell in the body. The effective genetic information that uniquely
           subsequently was used by Sato et al to evaluate the responsive-  defines each cell type within the body is defined by the genes
           ness of B-cell lymphoma to individual components of the cyclo-  expressed (transcribed) as messenger RNA (mRNA). The complete
           phosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, Oncovin and prednisone or   profile of mRNA expression is more responsible for the phenotype
           prednisolone (CHOP) chemotherapy protocol.            of a cancer than the individual genes, although mutations in a gene
                                                                 often are individual drivers of a cancer phenotype. To assess the level
           Assessment of Clonality in Nonlymphoid Neoplasms      of expression of one or a few genes, three methods could be used:
           Nonlymphoid cells do not have unique DNA sequences that dif-  (1) real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), which has been used
           fer from cell to cell, so other methods must be used for clonality   for many years; (2) ddPCR, which is a more recent development
           assessment. The question of whether a collection of cells is neo-  that has many advantages over RT-qPCR and which probably will
           plastic arises in a variety of circumstances—eosinophilia in the   replace RT-qPCR for most applications; and (3) non-PCR–based
           cat, for example, or pleural effusion in a dog, which is dominated   gene counting methods, such as Nanostring.
           by cells that could be either reactive or neoplastic mesothelium.   If the goal is to measure expression of all the genes in a tumor,
           One way to determine whether the cells in these cases are derived   microarrays  and,  more  recently,  RNA  sequencing  (RNA  seq)
           from the same clone is to examine the pattern of X chromosome   methods have been used. Assessment of the global level of gene
           inactivation. One copy of the X chromosome in the cells of female   expression is called gene expression profiling.
           animals is inactivated by DNA methylation. The purpose of the
           inactivation is to ensure that both male and female animals have   Real-Time PCR and Droplet Digital PCR
           the same “dosage” of genes found on the X chromosome. Inacti-
           vation is thought to be random, so in a nonneoplastic collection   RT-qPCR  refers  to  the  quantitative  (Q)  measurement  of
           of cells, any given cell would have an equal chance of either the   DNA—either genes or, more commonly, RNA that has be
           maternal or paternal X chromosome being inactivated. If the cells   reversed  transcribed  to  cDNA.   The  principle  of  RT-qPCR
           are all derived from the same clone, however, the same X chromo-  is that DNA is amplified using primers, just as in a routine
           some would be inactivated in each cell.               PCR reaction, but at each round of amplification, the amount
             In female animals, X chromosome inactivation can be mea-  of PCR product is quantified. Unlike endpoint PCR, in which
           sured using the androgen receptor gene. This gene contains   the reaction runs to completion and the product is separated by
           repeated DNA elements (CAG repeats), the number of which   size, real-time PCR is quantitative and relies on the change in
           varies. If an animal is heterozygous for the number of repeats,   the amount of PCR product, as measured by fluorescence, as
           it is possible to determine whether the same X chromosome is   the reaction progresses.
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