Page 394 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 394

372   PART IV     Specific Malignancies in the Small Animal Patient

          TABLE 20.1     Published Studies on the Treatment of Oral Melanoma with Radiation Therapy
           Study, Study Type                 Source and Dose/Protocol of  (Year Published)  Species (No.)  Radiation           Outcomes               Chemotherapy

           Bateman et al, Prospec-
            tive single-arm trial   Canine (18)  Cobalt-60; 24 Gy in three once-  One dog died during treatment,
                                                                     9/18 had a complete response,
                                               weekly fractions of 8 Gy.
            (1994) 137                                               5/18 had a partial response,
                                                                     3/18 had no response, MST:
                                                                     7.9 months.
           Blackwood et al, Prospec-  Canine (36)  4 MV linear accelerator (n = 29),   25/36 dogs had a complete
            tive single-arm trial              250 kVp orthovoltage unit    response, 9/36 had a partial
            (1996) 138                         (n = 1), combination of the   response, overall MST not
                                               two machines (n = 4) 36 Gy   reported (range, 5–213
                                               in four once-weekly fractions   weeks), MST for dogs that
                                               of 9 Gy.              died of tumor-related causes:
                                                                     21 weeks.
           Theon et al, Prospec-  Canine (38)  Cobalt-60; 48 Gy in 12 4-Gy   PFS 7.9 months, MST not
            tive single-arm trial              fractions on a Monday–  reported.
            (1997) 108                         Wednesday–Friday schedule.
           Proulx et al, Retrospective   Canine (140)  Cobalt-60: 36 Gy in four once   45/86 dogs had a complete   80 dogs received chemotherapy
            case series (2003) 107             weekly 9-Gy fractions    response and 27/86 dogs had   (carboplatin [n = 60], cisplatin
                                               (n = 54); 30 Gy in 3 once-  a partial response. Median   [n = 3], melphalan [n = 17]).
                                               weekly 10-Gy fractions    time to first event (metastasis,   Chemotherapy did not affect
                                               (n = 69), or 45.6–57 Gy in    local recurrence, or death): 5.0   time to first event or survival.
                                               12 to 19 2–4 Gy fractions    months, MST: 7.0 months.
                                               (n = 17).
           Freeman et al, Retro-  Canine (39)  Cobalt-60 and 4 MV linear   MST: 363 days.  Dogs received cisplatin (10–
            spective case series               accelerator: 36 Gy in 6 once-                 30 mg/m  IV) or carboplatin
            (2003) 106                         weekly 6-Gy fractions.                        (90 mg/m  IV) chemotherapy
                                                                                             60 minutes before radiation
           Farrelly et al, Retro-  Feline (5)  Cobalt-60: 24 Gy in three once-  One complete response, two   Two cats received chemotherapy,
            spective case series               weekly 8-Gy fractions.  partial responses, MST:    one received carboplatin, one
            (2004) 26                                                146 days.               carboplatin and mitoxantrone,
                                                                                             and one was treated with a
                                                                                             DNA-based vaccine.
                                                                                           One cat had additional radiation
                                                                                             after initial failure.
           Murphy et al, Retrospec-  Canine (28)  4 MV linear accelerator: 36 Gy   No chemotherapy group, MST   No chemotherapy, 13 dogs.
            tive two-arm study                 in four once weekly 9-Gy   307 days.        Chemotherapy group, 15 dogs
            (2005) 139                         fractions.           Chemotherapy group, MST    treated with carboplatin
                                                                     286 days.               (planned dose: 300 mg/m  IV
                                                                                             every 21 days).
           Dank et al, Retrospective   Canine (17); 11   Radiotherapy sources not   PFS radiotherapy group, 259   Carboplatin (median dose of 300
            case series (2012) 135  dogs treated   indicated. 32 Gy in four once-  days; PFS no radiotherapy   mg/m  IV).
                               with surgery,   weekly 8-Gy fractions (n =   group, 210 days. MST radio-
                               chemotherapy,   5), 36 Gy in six twice-weekly   therapy group, 440 days; MST
                               and radiation;   6-Gy fractions (n = 4), 30 Gy   no radiotherapy group, 387
                               6 dogs treated   in three once-weekly 10-Gy   days. No significant difference
                               with surgery and   fractions (n = 1), and 24 Gy in   between groups.
                               chemotherapy    four once-weekly 6-Gy frac-
                                               tions (n = 1).
           Kawabe et al, Retro-  Canine (111)  Orthovoltage 300 Kvp (n = 68), 4   38/87 dogs had a complete   66 dogs had chemotherapy:
            spective case series               MV linear accelerator (n = 34)   response and 36/87 dogs had   either intralesional cisplatin
            (2015) 140                         or combined (n = 5); electron   a partial response. MST: 171   (0.5mg/dog q1–2wks; n = 26),
                                               therapy, energy not reported   days; MST for orthovoltage-  carboplatin IV (180–250 mg/
                                               (n = 4). The median total   treated dogs, 122 days; MST   m  q3wks; n = 26), or both
                                               radiation dose was 37.8 Gy   for megavoltage-treated dogs,   (n = 14).
                                               (range, 6.3–74.3 Gy).  233 days. This was statistically
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