Page 395 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 395

CHAPTER 20  Melanoma    373

            TABLE 20.1     Published Studies on the Treatment of Oral Melanoma with Radiation Therapy—cont’d
            Study, Study Type                 Source and Dose/Protocol of  (Year Published)  Species (No.)  Radiation            Outcomes                Chemotherapy

            Cancedda et al, Prospec-
              tive multicenter, non-  Canine (27)  Linear accelerator using   Radiation therapy alone group:   No chemotherapy given to
                                                                       3/15 dogs had a complete
                                                                                              15. 12 received temozolomide
                                                photons or electrons. Energy
              randomized, two-arm               not specified. 30 Gy in five   response and 10/15 dogs had   at 60 mg/m  PO once daily for
              clinical trial (2016) 136         fractions over 2.5 weeks.  a partial response; PFS 110   5 days every 4 weeks.
                                                                       days; MST: 192 days.
                                                                     RT and temozolamide group:
                                                                       2/15 dogs had a complete
                                                                       response and 8/15 dogs had
                                                                       a partial response. PFS of 205
                                                                       days. MST: 401. Statistically
                                                                       significant difference for PFS
                                                                       but not MST.
            Tollett et al, Retrospective   Canine (11)  6 MV linear accelerator. 32 Gy in   0/11 dogs had a complete or par-
              case series (2016) 141            four once-weekly 8-Gy frac-  tial response. MST: 134 days.
                                                tions (n = 9) or 36 Gy in six
                                                once- or twice-weekly 6-Gy
                                                fractions (n = 2).
             IV, Intravenous; MST, median survival time; PFS, progression-free survival; PO, per os.

                                     P                                                   P

            L                                               R   L                                               R

             A                       A                          B                        A
                           • Fig. 20.8  Postcontrast axial computed tomography (CT) image of a dog with metastasis to the left man-
                           dibular lymph nodes (A, arrows) and the enlarged left medial retropharyngeal lymph node (B, arrow). Note
                           the heterogeneous contrast enhancement in both lymph nodes.

           radiation protocol consisted of six once-weekly 6 Gy fractions.   there may be a role for chemotherapy in the treatment of oral
           Local recurrence was reported in 15% of dogs, the median time   melanoma in combination with RT. In a multicenter retrospective
           to metastasis was 10.2 months, and the MST was 11.9 months.   study of 17 dogs with oral melanoma treated with surgery and
           These results may have been favorably biased because the majority   carboplatin, including 11 dogs also treated with RT, the overall
           of dogs had either T1 (56.4%) or T2 (35.9%) stage melanomas.  median PFS (259 days) and MST (440 days) for dogs did not
             Several studies have looked at using adjuvant chemotherapy in   significantly change when RT was added to the treatment pro-
           addition to RT. Administered drugs included carboplatin, cispla-  tocol. 135  The proportion of dogs with local recurrence, however,
           tin, or melphalan. Adding chemotherapy to the radiation protocol   was lower in the RT group (27%) compared with dogs not treated
           did not improve outcomes. 107  However, two studies suggest that   with RT (67%). The authors concluded that there may be a role
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