Page 183 - Feline diagnostic imaging
P. 183

11.3  ­Computed  CoCogrmphy Cofuptf telit  pCgra  185


                (b)                                               (c)

               Figure 11.13  (a) Transverse CT image (postcontrast) of the cranial thorax of a normal cat, at the level of the right and left cranial
               lung lobes. The cranial mediastinum is visualized, containing some fat, as well as the trachea (T) and cranial vena cava (vc).
               The esophagus is noted just dorsal to the trachea, and contains a small amount of air (arrow). The right side of the patient is to the
               left of the image. (b) Transverse CT image (postcontrast) of the midthorax of a normal cat, at the level of the right middle and caudal
               subsegment of the left cranial lung lobes. The trachea has bifurcated into the left and right caudal stem bronchi (b). The aorta (A) is
               located immediately dorsal and to the left of the gas-filled esophagus (arrow). The right side of the patient is to the left of the image.
               (c) Transverse CT image (postcontrast) of the caudal thorax of a normal cat taken at the level of the left and right caudal lung lobes.
               Note that the peripheral arteries (A) are lateral to the veins (V), with a thin-walled radiolucent bronchus in between. VC, caudal vena
               cava. The right side of the patient is to the left of the image.

               disease  process.  Despite  the  greater  contrast,  soft  tissue
               lesions are still better evaluated when surrounded by radio-    contains  a  lobar  bronchus  surrounded  by  a  laterally
               lucent lung.                                       located artery and medial vein. These structures taper
                 Intravenous iodinated contrast agent is typically admin-  toward the lung periphery. A normal bronchial lumen to
               istered after the initial scan, and is critical for differentiat-  pulmonary artery diameter ration has been determined
               ing perfused versus nonperfused tissues.           in normal cats (0.71 ± 0.05) [23]. Interstitial tissue is not
                                                                  prominent  in  normal  feline  lung  on  CT  images  [20].
               11.3.1  Normal Lung                                Individual lung lobes may not be differentiated easily;
                                                                  the  branching  of  the  bronchial  tree  and  orthogonal
               Lung  parenchyma  is  relatively  homogeneous;  typical   reconstruction of the image are helpful in more accu-
               HU  in  normal  cats  is  −630  to  −800  [16].  Each  lobe   rately determining lobar anatomy.
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