Page 197 - Feline diagnostic imaging
P. 197

200  12  Congenital Heart Disease

             (a)                                                  (b)



             (e)                                              (f)

            Figure 12.6  A 6-year-old male Sphinx cat presented for heart disease. Thoracic lateral (a) and ventrodorsal (b) images show
            enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with dorsal deviation of the trachea on the lateral projection. The ventrodorsal image is mildly
            oblique and shows rounding of the left ventricular border. (c) On the echocardiogram, fractional shortening is normal. (d) The left
            atrium is normal. (e) On the right parasternal longitudinal view, a small ventricular septal defect (VSD) is visualized within the left
            ventricular outflow tract. (f) On color Doppler imaging obtained from a right parasternal short axis view, flow can be seen originating
            in the aorta and entering the right ventricular outflow tract.
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