Page 23 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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16  2  Principles of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

            Figure 2.4  Multiplanar reformatting with CT. The raw data acquired by the CT can be reformatted in any plane to help viewers better
            understand the anatomy. Image (b) is the transverse image of the skull at the level of the orbit. Image (c) is the sagittal and image (d)
            is the dorsal plane reformatted image for the same location. Reformatting is more accurate when voxel dimensions are kept as small
            as possible. Typically, slice thickness needs to be 1 mm or less to avoid reformatting artifacts.

            regions are listed in Table 2.2 [4]. The use of HU values also   of its capillary bed (Figure 2.8) [4]. Most procedures will
            allows  the  clinician  to  distinguish  subtle  differences  in   include  a  postcontrast  scan  performed  several  minutes
            opacities that would not normally be recognized.  after the initial precontrast scan, increasing lesion conspi-
              As stated previously, CT contrast is the difference in HU   cuity.  This  is  invaluable  with  neuroimaging  as  well  as
            values  between  tissues. This  can  be  increased  by  adding     presurgical planning for mass removal. Contrast can also
            contrast medium such as iodine. The HU of the tissues will   be  utilized  to  highlight  vascular  abnormalities  such  as
            increase  in  proportion  to  the  concentration  of  contrast     portosystemic  shunts,  or  developmental  abnormalities
            medium, the volume of its blood space, and the  permeability   such as ectopic ureters.
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