Page 378 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 378

360  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds


                                                                                      cellular layer

                                                                                      Stroma with melanocytes

                                                                                      m. dilatator pupillae
                                                                                      Pigmented portion
                                                                                      of pars iridica retinae

                   16.17  Iris (ox). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x120).

                   16.18  Fundus oculi (chicken; meridional section).   16.19  Pars plicata ciliaris (chicken; meridional section).
                   Methylene blue stain (x7).                     Methylene blue stain (x18).

                   The structure of the pars ciliaris retinae and pars iridica  vosum retinae exists only at two locations: at the
                   retinae is described under the headings ‘Ciliary body’ and  ora serrata and at the optic nerve head (discus
                   ‘Iris’. The ora serrata is the boundary between the pars  n. optici, papilla optica). The epithelium consists of a
                   caeca retinae and the pars optica retinae.     single layer of hexagonal cells.
                      The layers of the pars optica retinae are the:  The cells of the retinal pigment epithelium have an
                                                                  eccentric nucleus, abundant mitochondria, a dense endoplas-
                     ·  outer retinal pigment epithelium (stratum pigmen-  mic reticulum and a well-developed Golgi apparatus. The
                       tosum retinae) and                         supranuclear region contains numerous melanosomes,
                     ·  inner, neurosensory layer of the retina (stratum     lysosomes, residual bodies and phagolysosomes. Microvilli
                       nervosum retinae).                         and finger-like evaginations project from the apical surface.
                                                                  These extend between and around the outer segments of
                   RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM                     the rods and cones.
                   (STRATUM PIGMENTOSUM RETINAE)                     Under intense illumination, melanosomes (pigments)
                   The retinal pigment epithelium develops from the outer  accumulate in the cellular processes surrounding the rods
                   leaf of the optic cup (Figures 16.20 to 16.22). This layer lies  and cones. This improves the resolution capacity of the eye
                   between the basal complex of the choroid and the outer seg-  and prevents scattering of light onto adjacent receptors. In
                   ment of the photoreceptors (rods and cones of the stratum  dark conditions, the pigments recede, the light sensitivity
                   nervosum retinae, see below). A firm connection between  of the retina increases and the resolving power declines.
                   the retinal pigment epithelium and the stratum ner-  In the region where the tapetum lucidum is present, pig-

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